To The Islamic Embassies



Opportunities present themselves to us every day! Viewing the controversy about the woman in Sudan sentenced to 40 lashes for wearing pants I wish very much she didn't work for The UN because I would like to suggest to The Sudanese government a compromise. Where she is a journalist that those she work for be required to pay her way to The United States and her income for a week so she could be a temporary courier/protector for Demetrius then go back to the Islamic countries and report what it was like to serve me, and what it is going to be like for the courier/protector. She would be providing a service that would be of benefit to Islamic women all over the world. I am not totally against these dress codes, but I am against the punishments. I don't think my daughters should be beaten for such disobedience, fined or made to do community labor yes, but beaten no. However, again this is an opportunity that The Islamic People have, to still make a point that their laws should be obeyed, reasonable ones, I do not think this one is that unreasonable, but that we need to modify the punishments a little bit to a little more modern standard.
Demetrius' people have dress codes too that many in the modern world would not like because women are not allowed among them to expose themselves so much in public either. But it is certainly an idea. Demetrius is concerned about young women taking the initial effort which will be the most dangerous. He would like to have some older women drain off some of this negative power before the goddesses begin their mission.
Here is an opportunity for this woman to be punished and yet perform a tremendous service for The Islamic People. However, where she works for The UN she probably supports lesbianism and would be unacceptable. It is a shame! But if she would give her word not to speak of that cause during her stay she still might be acceptable. It is a proposal that could be presented to the Sudanese government. It would certainly make them elegible for some of the reward mentioned below. I have tried to explain more about the worlds that I promise the courier/protectors in the future in reward for their service now. It is all so simple to Us, We can't understand why those in the material world are confused by what We are offering. But perhaps this will make it more understandable.
You do not know how much I want the Islamic protector! Demetrius had a very bad night last night and We really had to push him to get him to use some of his pain medication. If an Islamic protector was here he would not be concerned about cutting back on even a small bit of his capabilities and she could use her feminine wiles to get him to take something when he really needs it. This last infection has really inflamed his arthritis in his ankles. He could stand to lose a little weight. A swimming pool to work out in might be very beneficial. To have someone here to take some of the burden off and make sure that he takes care of himself would make all of Us feel better. There is just too much for Demetrius and Alura to do. The Goddesses could take many of the projects. I'm sure they wouldn't mind taking some of their allowance to pay for things like Michael Jackson's web site, and monitor it. The Islamic protector should do this because he is fighting as an Islamic warrior, and it is by The Islamic People's power that he is accomplishing these wonders. So The Islamic People should make them known to the world.


God The Father




An Open Letter From God The Father To Former First Lady Laura Bush
Given Through The News Media Of Texas That I Ask To Pass On To Her



Greetings Most Beloved Daughter!



I know you wish that I would not bother you, but there is a great need for you and I still desire greatly that in 2,012 you take part in Demetrius', Speaker Gerald Polley's presidential campaign as his vice presidential candidate helping him to win the Republican nomination. As part of that project We are still pushing Our peace proposal for The Middle East, a separate homeland for The Palestinians outside of Israel on land purchased from Egypt in the Sainai. We are beginning a project to raise funds to buy that land. I am asking Sir Paul McCartney to buy some of Speaker Gerald Polley's music and use it in a world tour to raise funds to purchase a Palestinian homeland. Speaker Polley wishes to do this with his own funds so the people of Palestine will say "Our Father loved us so much he got us this land to make peace between us and our brothers.
I would appreciate it very much if you would contact Sir McCartney and ask him to fulfill my wishes, and that when he makes this world tour make two stops in Texas at Dallas and Houston, and that you help arrange these concerts supporting Our project.
I wish that We could, for a time, for the sake of the children of Palestine, set aside our differences on homosexuality and think of the future of the children that are being taught to kill. Let's instead, teach them to live and glorify their people. We could do so much together, if you join your powers with Demetrius, Speaker Gerald A. Polley and help him raise the courier/protectors, and serve in the post that should be yours. Perhaps if in four years you are too tired, another could replace you for the second term. But We need you for the first term to glorify me and take my children to the stars. I ask you not to fail me.


He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever


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