To Kevin & Bean, KROQ, Los Angeles, CA
13-10-00 AJ

I wish so much you could help me get my message to Arnold. He is so much a key to Our success, with his wife. By truly awakening their power We could do such marvelous things! Wish you had a reporter that could call the good governor and have him say "Are you getting the messages that God is sending you through Speaker Gerald Polley? He says you are struggling because you know supporting homosexuality is wrong, and that you're failing God. Is there any truth to that? Have you ever responded to any of God's messages? The people of California would like to know." Maybe you could invite him to your show and ask him to speak on this issue, tell the world why he has turned against me and is leading his family into eternal death, destroying them all for perverted lust. That would be great! But I really wish you would emphasize a very important part of my messages. We oppose homosexuality, but We do not tolerate violence against homosexuals. Speak out against them yes, oppose their evil yes, but those who attack them and injure them simply because they're homosexuals will be punished just as much as anyone who attacks anyone else because they are in some way different. I will not tolerate cruelty. I ask my people to resist, I ask them to fight, but I do not ask them to be cruel. We must win with love, We must defy them, We must defeat them but We must not hate them. I ask you to make all understand that this is my message and anyone that says "God hates homosexuals!" is wrong. It is my greatest desire to bring them back to me, to have them do what they do in private and not threaten my children so that they will die a natural death, learn the error of their ways and never do it again. No one is ever a homosexual a second time. It has never occured. Suffering the results one time is enough to make anyone not even consider it again. The world must be made to understand that as long as they keep it to themselves they are very little danger, they are doing very little harm, mostly to themselves. It is when they go public and poison young children and destroy their souls that they become my enemies. That is when I must oppose them. But I do not hate them, I pity them, and I seek them to be joined with me again and end their rebellion, their refusal to accept my perfection. It is not my desire to destroy them, though I must oppose what they do. The world must understand that.
Guys, I really would appreciate it if you could start doing some separate interviews with Alura, Linda. We desperately need to get her so she can function independently. Even if We get the courier/protector programs going it will be impossible for Demetrius (Gerald) to leave The United States unprotected for a year. We will have to send Alura on missions overseas, such as to negotiate with the Egyptians for the Palestinian homeland, as the reincarnation of Sarah The Mother Of Israel. She needs practice. She needs to be able to talk to people by herself and discuss the issues. I can think of none better to train her, to get her to open up and show her power. I'd appreciate your help in this.

God The Father

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