An Open Letter From God The Father
To The Media Of The World
01-10-00 AJ

All the former presidents work for Us in support of Demetrius' presidential campaign. They are very upset with this book about the secret service. They believe several people should be thrown in prison for the rest of their lives for violating their privacy and revealing information that should have not been revealed, especially Lyndon Johnson. He says the author of this book is his. He is personally going to send him to hell! He would like his punishment to be to hang him upside down in an outhouse for all of eternity. Unfortunately We couldn't let him do that. The gentleman, and I say that loosely, will simply go poof, cease to exist forever with Johnson helping him along the way. Some people will do anything for fame and money! This man is sick! But that is an excuse that won't be accepted. He might think he's pretty smart, however he's going to find out he's stupid messing with the wrong powers, will he ever! That is of course unless he comes forward and admits the book is a total fabrication, that he made everything up.
John Couey raped an eight year old girl and buried her alive. He said when he died he'd apologize to her in Heaven. Naw! Never even got into The Afterlife! Went poof the moment he left his body. That's what happens to the arrogant that think they can get away with everything. The remorseful, the repentant, at least most of the time get eternal life. However those that say "I didn't really do anything wrong, I'll be forgiven," don't worry about them. They're the walking dead. Eternally they don't exist any more. This one certainly doesn't exist any more and nobody wants him to come back!
Demetrius (Speaker Gerald A. Polley) complains that he is asked to do several impossible things a day in my service and he never knows who's going to approach him requesting something. Yesterday while he was working the last King Of England came to him and requested that Demetrius send a message to his daughter, the current queen, stating that he would like her to be a temporary courier/protector for a week restoring Demetrius' powers, and thereby glorifying the people of England forever. The King stated he would also like the queen to negotiate with The Archbishop Of Canterbury to make a member of The Royal Family the permanent protector for The Anglican Church. The King says he has someone in mind, though she is a little bit older than normally required, where she would be serving as an auxillery in support of the main Christian protector she would be able to function and thereby earn the right for The Anglican Church to have a tenth of the new world promised to The Christians.
Demetrius listened to all of this in total dismay and then answered "With deepest regrets I must say no. I have the deepest respect for the lady and her power is considerable. There is no question that if she chose to do so she could perform the duty. However, Our current circumstances make it impossible. In order for the joining of power to work the one first serving would have to serve in our current dwelling for at least two or three days. The creatures of Darkness would be throwing everything they had at us trying to break that initial effort. Demetrius could not ask a woman of the queen's stature to endure such discomfort or take part in such a dangerous undertaking. The King answered "Sir, I believe you greatly underestimate my daughter, that if she realized that you are engaged in a struggle for the very existence of not only the people of England, but the entire human race she would willingly take part no matter the minor discomfort. There are many ways in which she could help you. I would like very much for her to select some of your best art pieces and have a public showing at Buckingham Palace, the proceeds going to the Palestinian homeland fund. I would like her to accompany your good wife to South Africa along with my son and encourage Nelson Mandela to accept the rule of God's Kingdoms. I wish you to at least tell the world of my proposal and consider my descendant as a protector."
Again Demetrius answered "I will have God The Father tell the world of your desires. But I am afraid your granddaughter is unacceptable. Though again she is immensely powerful she is too old. She would not be able to bond as a daughter. We need younger women. Again, if she desired to serve some way in the operations We will need contacts in England. She could serve as one of the protector's apostles there, spreading the word of Our effort." The King sighed. "I cannot question your expertise on this matter," he replied. "But if there should be some member of The Royal Family in the right age level, would you consider her?" Demetrius answered "Of course! I would not doubt that any member of your family would have the power to serve as the Anglican protector. The offer remains open if there is someone suitable." The King bowed, departing, and Demetrius muttered to himself "What next?" He never knows who's going to drop by wanting something. It's not that he wants to disappoint The King, quite the opposite. He has been of tremendous service to him. However, there's some things just beyond reason, some dangers he simply cannot expose people to. His duty is to protect the innocent, not endanger them!
We are constantly asked "Why would anyone willingly allow Demetrius & Alura to adopt their daughters?" There is one very simple reason. Many of them realize that their daughters have powers that they don't understand and they cannot control, that their daughters would be far better off with someone that fully understands these powers and could guide them in their proper use, keeping them from doing harm to themselves and, others. There are actually some of the parents of these young women who are praying for a solution to their problem. They would consider Demetrius a blessing. That's one of the main reasons these young women should come to Demetrius.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

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