An Open Letter From God The Father
To The Media Of The World
22-10-00 AJ

Poor Demetrius! (Speaker Gerald A. Polley) He can't get anything going lately without a little tiff starting! Everybody wants something. This morning Chairman Mao was having him prepare two more Chinese symbols for possible postage stamps. He got done and the Chairman said "You know, that looks like fun! Can I make one?" Demetrius said "Give it a try. We seem very compatible." Demetrius was amazed at how well the Chairman could use his physical form, and he produced a work rather quickly. The only thing was the Chairman forgot to breathe enough and Demetrius was a little short winded afterwards. He asked Mao what the symbol meant and Mao answered "Might mean something, might not mean something. I'll let the president of China tell you when he visits." Here's the links. Chairman Mao's picture is the third one on the second link.

Demetrius went "Grrr! When he visits," he continued, "I wish he'd bring the Shinto protectors from North Korea and Japan." "Me too," Mao answered. "I wish so much there was a protector from China." "Unfortunately not," Demetrius answered. "In about three years there'll be a most excellent one, but she's simply not ready right now." "Yes, I know," Mao answered. "We've been watching her. You know, I don't think you should wait. I think you should acquire her and start training her right now rather than wait for the last minute. Everyone is quite sure your hopes aren't going to be fulfilled, and when you become president you're going to need another series of protectors. You do not know how delighted I would be if there was a daughter from China living in The White House and empowering the president of The United States to protect the American people and, the world! That would be the ultimate glory for The Chinese People!"
"Can't do it!" Demetrius answered. "I'm overwhelmed as it is. And everybody keeps wanting to add more. Even if We could get to California the facility We wanted there would be too small with the additions that have already been suggested. I couldn't take on another child!" "Perhaps," Mao answered "The Chinese People already possess a facility in Los Angeles that would be perfect for your needs, that if it was presented to you you would graciously accept at far less cost than the other facility that you had in mind. Then you would have plenty of room for everyone! I believe the child should be trained far longer than what you present. The burdon of The White House would be even worse in the situation now. Do not think that my people are ignorant in the ways of Shine. We were aware of them.."
The Chairman then pronounced Demetrius' most sacred name only used by his people, rather taking Demetrius back. "And we know," The Chairman continued, "the true reason why you are so protective of The Children Of Israel and The Children Of Ishmael, why you are so desiring that each accept their inheritance and stop quarreling with each other. This knowledge could give them leverage in bargaining sessions to obtain what I desire." "I'm still against it!" Demetrius snapped. "I don't want it! If the need arises and the young lady is older, around the proper age, I would welcome her if the funding was available. But too many that are being proposed now are too young. I can't accept it! I don't totally disagree with you, but I cannot be assured that children that young fully understand, comprehend the danger that is involved. I cannot take the responsibility!"
"Then let the responsibility be mine!" Chairman Mao answered, "Let it rest on my people that they are assured that their children are wise enough to understand that all effort must be given to save all the children of the world. As God has said, in this desperate hour We must use all Our strength or We all fail. I know your law. I have made a request. I wish my desires transmitted to my people. By the long standing agreements that we have with your kind I demand my rights! I demand that God The Father make my people aware of my wishes, what I propose, and that if my people come forth and offer you what you need in exchange for taking this young woman as your daughter and teaching her the ways of Light you will accept according to the bargains that are in place. I ask for our rights according to the promises that have been made."
Demetrius sighed. "I cannot," he answered, "refuse your request. As you say, we are bound by old bargains and must keep our promises. I will ask God to transmit your message, to let the world know of it. However, I will still speak my objections. Again according to the bargains of old, if your people present the things that you have promised and the young lady asks me of her own free will to take her as my daughter, if I am sure that she asks freely and lovingly, I will accept. I cannot deny the service the people of China have given Us. I must keep Our word, and I will do my best." Chairman Mao smiled. "Then all will be excellent," he answered, "for no one could ever ask more than your best!"
As you can see these are two very strong wills, both desiring the same thing but not wanting to go about it in exactly the same way. According to the sacred agreements I present to the people of China what Chairman Mao has proposed, as is my duty. However I will have to tell them that their proposed protector would not be able to take her place unless the Korean and the Japanese protectors were with her, as it would be part of their duties to see to her welfare as their sister, and it would be through their powers that she would learn to use hers. But Chairman Mao's desires have been made known.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

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