An Open Letter From God The Father
To The Media Of The World
26-10-00 AJ

We have said that We have all We need to win the battle, We just need to bring the people together. I salute The Global South group led by Archbishop Peter Akinola of Nigeria for their stand against unifying The Anglican Church with The Catholics. And I extend an invitation to this group of Anglicans to rise an Anglican protector to save mankind. That protector should come from England. However, this group should be able to raise the resources to fund her, and to perhaps persuade The Archbishop Of Canterbury to join in Our efforts. If We succeed in a thousand years this young woman would be given power and glory equal to my own, and The Anglicans would have their own world in the stars. As Chairman Mao says, this seems like a long time, but to Us it is the blink of an eye. Those being asked to serve will be rewarded. Those rising up with Us now will be glorified, and those they oppose destroyed, for they are leading their people into eternal death.
It would please me greatly if this group of Anglicans would recognize Speakers Gerald & Linda Polley of Bismarck, North Dakota, my voices on Earth, and because of their great works for me declare them bishops in their Church giving them the power and authority of their Church to carry on my battle against those who would sodomize my children and destroy the human race. I ask The Anglicans in The United States to ask their children to join in the Christmas boycott, to ask their parents not to buy them any toys, to go to church on Christmas Day to pray that Obama not sell them into inhuman bondage to the homosexuals, or, the drug dealers. I ask The Anglicans to stand with me. I ask them to rise up against the evil that threatens the very existence of my children, and I would tell them that I approve of the ordination of women, if those women are truly women. I will accept the ordination of no woman that seeks after her sisters for sex. Only women that desire men as I have instructed them are worthy to serve as leaders in my churches. The unholy may not have places of authority. The insane cannot lead a church. But those who believe in the joys that I have given them are more than worthy to serve!
Again, I ask the good bishop Peter Akinola to form an alliance with The Polleys, for they are my true voices and will direct him in all righteousness. I ask his group to provide an Anglican protector that We may defeat the Darkness. If he does the world will be well, and my children will go to the stars.
Speaking of Chairman Mao he created another little art work as the proposed stamp for Communist China. It's the last one on the second link. Again he won't tell Demetrius if it means anything, but he, too, calls out to his people to provide a protector, to help arrange the Shinto protectors from North Korea and Japan, and, an alternate from China. He says "The children of the stars have nothing against communism. Many of their own people practice it, live in communes sharing their wealth. What they do object to is conquest, and terrorizing one's neighbors. A few small concessions to them at this time wold bring about a glory for China that would be unparalleled. China would be one of the greatest forces in the world for good, and would earn a home in the stars. Check out the images!

Mao says he continues to be absolutely delighted with the idea of a young Chinese woman living as the daughter of the president of The United States in The White House, empowering him to protect the world and, take her people to the stars. He says "This would be such a glory for China that no one could ever question it, and the Chinese People should be doing all in their power to make it come into being. It is very unwise," he said "to be The Children Of The Lords' enemies, but it is vey wise to be their friends."
The fundamentalist Palestinians in Israel are becoming aware of Our efforts. They are now desperate to cause unrest, trying to claim control of Jerusalem before Demetrius can bring forth his proposal to make a separate Palestinian state outside of Israel. They know if this begins their hopes of destroying Israel will be finished. Recent incidences at The Temple Mount prove this. That is why it is imperative for those that We are trying to reach to being the efforts to raise the funds for a Palestinian homeland. Once this begins, once the world knows this effort is real, that it isn't a joke or a publicity stunt, when the funds are actually being raised, the fundamentalists will begin to lose their power. Their hold on the youth will be gone because the youth will know they have a better future, a beter hope if they coexist with Israel. I again ask all to hear me, to start selling some of Speaker Gerald Polley's stories and he will set up the trust fund. We can succeed if We unite!
We continue to see evidence that the creatures of Darkness are losing control of their agents. Another has destroyed himself in Florida, drowned himself to be free of them, even though he knew it meant eternal destruction. But with what Michael Jackson has been doing lately some of those believe that if they break free he may have the power to restore them, and are abandoning their masters. If We could reach Michael's daughter, make her a courier/protector and also get the Islamic protector that We want, there is a good possibility that this could happen! We must restore thousands of souls to give the human race a chance this generation. If We could bring these two young women together and get them working as one guided by Our precious Demetrius, anything might be possible, anything!

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever


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