To Kevin & Bean KROQ, Los Angeles, CA
And Shared With The Media Of The World
From God The Father
10-11-00 AJ

I'm going to share something with you this morning which will be the lead for our email tomorrow. This morning I was checking out the headlines when I found a story saying that Mildred Muhammad felt guilty about what her husband did killing so many people in DC, and I thought "We really ought to make sure she knows she was in no way responsible," when the sweetest little voice you ever heard spoke to me and said
"God, our Father, the creator of my soul, and my eternal joy, please hear Your Daughter's prayer." I answered "Of course, precious one! What is it you want?" "Please make Mildred a goddess and give her a world in the stars to show the world how special she is, and not a part of what the dark one did?" I answered "I am sorry, precious one, I cannot do that. You see, she is a goddess already for someone else, and has not yet begun the mission that she is to do for them. But I will tell you this. If I can find a sponsor I will offer to let her be a temporary protector and then work with Demetrius in her state, finding others to do my glory, and maybe We'll give her an important place in that state." "Oh! I should've known!" the little voice answered. "Of course! That had to be. Well, if you can do that, it would be nice. But will You ask another thing for me of The Father Of Fathers, of The Lord Of The Stars?" "Of course!" I answered, "What do you desire of him?" "When he's made bodies for all the other people," the voice continued, "that want to be his children, could he make one for me so if Mildred does go to work for him I can be near her once and a while?" I answered "Demetrius thinks there are too many children planned already! But I will most certainly send him your request." "And will you tell him one last thing for me?" the little voice asked. I answered "Certainly!" "Tell him," she continued, "that not all the young women that meet him say 'Yuck.' After they get to know him and understand how much he cares for them they go 'Ah!' just like the girls did when he was young and wish they were older." With the greatest joy I told this little one that I would most certainly give Demetrius that message and she departed. Sometimes you have those moments that you feel makes it all worthwhile! Sometimes you wish so much you could answer every prayer.
If you could find a sponsor and let Mildred know this very special one has asked her to take part in this mission, I would appreciate it. What We ask for temporary protectors is $2,000 for a week's service plus travel expenses and $100 for groceries, while she is serving. Anything else would be at the discretion of the sponsor. So it isn't really too expensive, if the person volunteers of course. I would so like to fulfill this prayer. Someone was touched by love, joyously remembers that love, and wishes to share in it again. Somebody touched someone in a very special way, and now someone wishes to reward that person, wishes to glorify her. I so wish I could do it!
I asked this little one to give me her name and she answered "Oh! I don't need to do that. She will know who I am. She will remember. I don't need to do that."

11-11-00 AJ

We are asked how dare We dictate to Prince Charles of England what he is required to do to receive my reward. Well, I'm not setting the conditions. His grandfather is, his mother's father. He wants his family to take part in these projects, as well as The Palestinian People want them. Like many others he wants them to do something with their royalty, not merely be figureheads but accomplish something. It's him that sat the conditions, and where he is a faithful son who has served me well, I will abide by his wishes. If anybody doesn't like that, Demetrius has got a very unpleasant place for them which they'll only enjoy for a short time!
Here's the latest art. It's rather special. Demetrius went out last night and bought a new computer! It's a cute little thing, it won't play DVDs or CDs but it's got everything We need to work. This is the first art work he's tried to produce on it. It's proposed postage stamps for Egypt to raise money for the courier/protector program, and if any's left over, for The Palestinian Fund. We think the system's going to work pretty good! With the computer, the things they picked up at Wal Mart that they desperately needed, a couple of things at Staples and supper at Wendy's to pay for the ride, the night's expenses came to $366.26. It still amazes Demetrius that he can buy Elgard supper, and, him and Sarah on one of these excursions, and it's still cheaper than taking a cab! You have some nice company besides! However, if Elgard goes away next summer on his much deserved excursion, We're going to be hard put. Maybe by then others will be giving Us a ride.

Got a special request for the Chinese protector that we're looking for. Demetrius certainly hopes she's not quite as aggressive as she has been in his dreams! Anway, my dear friend Davy Crockett has come forward and wants to offer himself as a new chief guide and spiritual protector for the young lady if she comes to The United States, no offense to her current people, but Davy is aware that she will need additional power in The United States, and he'd like to provide it. So I am passing his offer along.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

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