An Open Letter From God The Father
To Maria Shriver, First Lady Of California
16-11-00 AJ

As you can see the creatures of Darkness are doing all in their power to keep Us from working at this crucial time. If anyone ever had an opportunity to change the world you do at this moment by bringing Demetrius to Los Angeles. Every mother in The Afterlife of every religion is calling to you asking you not to let this injustice stand, to rally to my servant, get him the funds he needs, and be a courier/protector. Replace the power that has been taken away so that We can continue to function and fight corruption like this everywhere. No one has a right to kick another person and not expect that that person is going to respond. These things cannot be done in the name of humor or play. People have rights.. Help Us protect them. This young woman was cruel and abusive. She hurts others to get her enjoyment. This is wrong! Some things cannot be allowed. Decent people cannot be a party to them. Read what happened and then tell me that this is not abuse in its most basic form. Would this be allowed in a restaurant in California? Would a woman be able to behave like this and treat a decent person so despisably? Is this acceptable in any place? Demetrius is 62 years old. He has physical problems. Such abuse as this is totally unacceptable, totally unacceptable!

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

To Kevin & Bean, KROQ Los Angeles, CA

Power here is completely shot! God can't even come through me. We literally can't function. We will only be able to email to you and maybe Mrs. Schwarzenegger using the power from Los Angeles. How we wish we could get there before Thanksgiving! That would be the best time to settle in. But now, positively we would not be able to move without a courier/protector. Here are two emails I sent out yesterday and this morning. I hit city hall this morning, and the health department. Because I wanted them to know what's going on at The Walrus. As you can tell from the one to the police department I am deffinitely getting more irritated. This was no playful little tap! It was a vicious attack. And what bothers me the most is the young woman still feels she did absolutely nothing wrong and I'm the one attacking her. She was just playing. So wish we could find someone to buy some of our material. I've applied for social security but I'll only be getting $722 a month and that won't start until February, 2,010. Don't know how we're going to get buy until then. I figure I need at least $5,000. That would get the hospital bill caught up and give us something to live on until things got better. Still wish you knew a movie producer who you could get interested in one of my stories! He could get a real bargain right now. Sorry, Kevin! had to be long this morning. Wanted to get all this information out. Now we're going to put it at Twitter. Only other alternative we have. Oh, have you noticed something? Every time we start contacting someone boom, Obama goes there? God is making an offer to China and Obama swoops right over there! We started making overtures to North Korea, boom, there's Hillary! Seems to be a lot of coincidence!
Oh, God wanted me to mention that He supports Will Phillips of West Fork Elementary School in Arkansas. Though God disagrees with his opinion He does not disagree with his right to express it. I, myself, was beaten when I lived in Virginia because I refused to say the Lords Prayer. We will not allow any child to be persecuted because he expresses an opinion contrary to the public belief. Teachers have no right to try to force their views on children. If this young man does not want to say The Pledge Of Allegiance, that's his right. We would definitely try to talk to him and make him understand that homosexuality is evil and should be opposed, but We will not allow him to be persecuted. This is unacceptable!
God is delighted to hear of the shut down of Window Media LLC and United Media LLC, some of the leading gay and lesbian publications in the country. Our economic efforts are having success. We wish so much We could raise the children in the Christmas boycott. Now is the time they would really make an impression.

Speaker Gerald Polley


So Easy To Travel

We often wonder what AAA is doing nowadays besides towing people, when you can go on the internet and get the information so quickly. We have the route home and will be checking it out on the Google map. It is certainly so much easier than trips we have made in the past. On some of the sites you can even set up reservations at motels, something we wouldn't do because things are fluctuating so much. But it is still so incredible! You can get things done so easily, sometimes maybe too easily! We wish things weren't as easy for people to do in other ways. Our web sites are a mess and we're afraid it's something in our computer that's doing it. As fast as we clean them up they're corrupted again. The only solution may be a new computer. But who knows, the program that corrupted it may have come from the web site giving us the directions. It's everywhere! But the internet is here to stay, and it better be kept for the people.

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