To Kevin & Bean, KROQ, Los Angeles, CA
21-11-00 AJ

God keeps coming up with the most incredible ideas and I'm having difficulty even putting the latest one into words. But I'll give it a try. We're way behind in getting our History up. We've got two on line and one that needs to be printed and put up. With the power gone here one of the first things We would need to do in Los Angeles would be to get The Book Of The Voice printed and distributed. This is what God has come up with. He considers Hooters the modern day equivalent of temples to female feminity, and the young women that work there priestesses. He would like to make an offer to Hooters to be the exclusive distributers of our Books when they come out, giving Us a nation wide network of temples through which to release Our work with priestesses to empower them. He was wondering how much Hooters would be willing to pay for such an opportunity. The publicity would be tremendous. Here's the links to what we've got up.

God was also wondering if before the next Book gets out that Hooters could have some of the previous ones printed up and sell those. He thinks it is a way of boosting the beginning of The Awakening. The funds raised from the sales of the Books would be split equally between Us and Hooters, if Hooters was willing to advance what we need to commence Our operations and give Us some assistance in moving to LA. The amount is substantial. We would need around two million dollars after taxes and there is not much time to set up an agreement. This is definitely going to be a first come first served thing.
God was wondering if you could serve as a mediator for Us in getting ahold of Hooters and presenting the proposal to them. The only others that we would like to have the rights to sell the books would be KROQ. I know this is a total out of the park suggestion. But We cannot tell you how much We would like to draw on that feminine energy. The response We got with the mere mention of Hooters yesterday was tremendous! We want to get more. We're extremely greedy! Hooters could also advertise that they're supporting Our efforts to make Nelson Mandela the ruler of The Kingdoms Of God. That ought to be some good publicity as well!
As there is no possibility of getting Gov. Schwarzenegger if Hooters was to agree to this proposal and We could afford a second truck, is there any possibillity Bean would be willing to serve as Linda's escort and power source? Linda mentioned some lady that does interviews for you and rather casually when God was talking to me about this project He said "You know she has considerable power. She might be a stand in for Mrs. Schwarzenegger if Lisa still does not want the glory." So I'd like to know a little bit more about her and what you think of the idea.
We cannot tell you how frustrating it is to get all this beautiful energy and We are unable to make the material contacts to put it to work! It's just about enough to drive you stark raving mad! Of course there's a good many people that think We're there already. But if you could pass God's idea on to Hooters and see what they think of it, We'd appreciate it. God believes they should give you a payment for bringing this proposal to them. We would definitely be making history!
We won't put this up at Twitter unless you would like Us to and share it with the world. Oh, one other thing. If we should succeed the first thing I'm going to have to do when I get to Los Angeles is get this hernia taken care of. The back is slowly getting better but that isn't. I've noticed there's a hospital up by the El Capitan in the area where we'd like to get a place, well, one of the areas. Which one do you think would be better, the medical center down by you guys or this one? Does the one up by Kimmels have a famous Indian doctor that's really good at this sort of thing? Yes I've been dreaming again! In the dream he scolded me very much for taking so long to get this taken care of, but assured me they would have no difficulty. If this guy is real and not just a composit of others I'd certainly like to see if he'd do the job. Any possility somebody could check into it for me? I don't mind telling you, this discomfort is something else! The doctor at the clinic says this has to be taken care of, HAS to be, and I sure wish we could get it done!

Speaker Gerald A. Polley


Hooters Temples Of Femininity?

Aw, come on! God is saying Hooters is the equivalent of a temple? Well, there are comparisons. In ancient times many of the temples held feasts to support themselves, sometimes a couple of times a week, and the priestesses would serve the people. This was not uncommon. There was usually a lot of erotic dancing involved, and a lot of wine. But the patrons were more than happy to give a donation for a good meal and entertainment. The idea might sound strange today, but if any person from ancient times saw a place with the symbol of an owl and scantily dressed women serving food, people giving them money they might well mistaken that place for a temple. All that's lacking is the sculpture of some goddess. Maybe Hooters ought to have some sculptures made of Durga, The Hindu Goddess Of War and put them in their lobbies to make the effect perfect. We're not joking! Many men going into Hooters and places like it practically worship the young women working there. We know it sounds strange, but it occurs. There are men that would not miss their weekly devotions in their temples of joy, and if their particular priestess isn't available, they are oftentimes quite upset. It's no laughing matter, really.

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