An Open Letter From God The Father
To The Media Of The World
To Kevin & Bean, KROQ, Los Angeles, CA
05-11-00 AJ

Now, there's so much going on We can't cover it all! Mao has opened the floodgate with this idea of more worlds in a thousand years. Everybody wants a share, even Michael! He wants Us to offer his mother and his wife worlds if they will serve Us now and encourage and support his children. Bit of a problem there. In all fairness We would have to let his mother know she's already got one through Demetrius' people. So has his youngest son, and, Janet. So We can't really offer them, but We can make them aware of what they already have that they don't want to throw away by being lost in materialism. If you could pass this information on to them We'd appreciate it. How The Imperial Goddens managed to concentrate so much power in one family is beyond Us, and how it all ended up in California is a mystery! You can understand why We want to tap into it. Michael purposely put his children into physical forms to serve The Awakening. He just never imagined they would be serving it in such an important way. So if you can tell the world what's going on we'd appreciate it! But still his wife has an opportunity, and We really could use her power.

God The Father

An Open Letter From God The Father
To The Ruler Of North Korea And The Emperor Of Japan

Chairman Mao of China has arranged that if people cooperate with Us now a hundred of them will receive my full power and glory in a thousand years and be given a world of their own in the stars for their people. I now extend that offer to the current leader of North Korea and, to The Emperor Of Japan. This has been arranged by both their fathers. If you help Us raise the courier/protectors that We need from your countries, and, the alternate from China, this offer is made available to you. Also I would like you to join my march in San Francisco on Christmas Day against homosexual marriage and drugs. Such notable individuals standing with me would be of great benefit in this effort. I ask you to contact Mrs. Schwarzenegger in California, and ask her to accept what I am offering her, and also grant you an invitation to join the march so you may claim the reward that is offered. If you were able to bring the courier/protectors that are being sought, Chairman Mao would be eternally grateful and deeply honored that you have accepted the offer that he arranged.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And Forever

06-11-00 AJ

As you can see from the two emails above We've had to backtrack. So many things going on We can't cover it all! But it's important for the public to know the messages that I am sending to others. You will notice in the one to Kevin & Bean Michael Jackson is making no offer to his father, and is asking me to make none. But where he does have talents that would be useful to Us if he would cooperate, I feel it necessary to acknowledge him in some way. So I will say this. If his wife, Michael's mother, joins Our efforts and he serves them fully and completly, he may share the world that his wife will have as her consort. She will be the one in charge. However, he may have the place as her protector if he stands with Us and encourages Michael's children to become courier/protectors and helps Us raise the funds for the Palestinian homeland by having his children do concerts using Demetrius' music. Very reluctantly Michael agrees to these proposals. It is the best I can do. I cannot forbid justified action. Michael's anger is legitimate, fully justified. But he is willing to set it aside for the good of all. He wants his daughter to glorify The Jehovah's Witnesses by being the main Christian protector under their sponsorship. If her grandfather helps, he does not interfere, there will be a place for him. It is only fair.
We mentioned Barbara Bush yesterday and somebody jokingly asked "You say Laura was Queen Esther. Who was Barbara, the Queen Of Sheba?" Well actually she was the mother of John The Baptist, and her current husband is the reincarnation of his father! They again wanted to be the parents of a son who would bring me great glory by serving me and doing my wonders. Everyone from The Bible is in the material world now, or was. Some have returned, completing their missions. But Barabara can still fulfill her dream if she can reach out to her current son and have him take his destiny beside his wife. We can still succeed in Israel. We can still make a Palestinian homeland if We get a little help.
Here's the latest art. Some good stuff!
I'm asked if I had anything to do with the incident at Fort Hood. Absolutely not! I may have withdrawn my protection from the American Army but I would never deliberately attack my American soldiers! I still wish for The Joint Chiefs to march with me on Christmas Day in San Francisco, even if they have to get Obama's permission to do so. No, this was another case of the demons losing control of one of their minions. This man did not kill because of Iraq, or, Afghanistan, or, Israel. He killed because the homosexuals lost the vote in Maine! Of course the Army will never admit that.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever


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