"I can't leave without giving you something!" I sighed. I had noticed one of the girls admiring my hair ribbon so I undid it and gave it to her. She looked at it in awe. "No arguments," I asked, "please?" Everyone smiled and nodded. I finished eating and left. I cried as I walked on. I had always treated colored people with contempt but I had just been greeted with the greatest warmness, fed, encouraged and sent on my way. And nothing was asked of me. He teaches you very fast! He teaches you very, very fast! There's a book he wrote. It's called "Dark Angel". It's about a girl who got in very similar circumstances to me. I wish he he had it up on the internet so people can read it. But we have it here. Get someone to read it to you. It will tell you alot." She looked away for a moment and I asked her "What?" "Oh, nothing!" she continued. "It's just, well, I wish there could be three sisters, that there could be three little girls. I'd like to share your luck. It can't be. But it would be fun. We could get into all kinds of mischief, nothing serious but just little things to make him smile." "Yes, I told her, "we could!"
I wonder how many times they've done things like that? How many people have They helped? How many fates have They changed? He says don't think he's doing it. He's just a very small part, a focal point where the energy gathers, and he just passes it to other people and they do most of the work. That's why he always says we not I when he talks about doing things. He never takes a credit himself. He never says "I do this," he says "We do it!" Some people don't understand. They think he's crazy because he doesn't praise himself, and they say that shows he's not of God. But didn't Jesus say "I do nothing but for The Father"? Didn't He admit that He didn't do anything by Himself either? I can't understand why people don't remember. But if They can do things like this and they keep them secret, what could they do if they worked openly and people listened to them willingly and followed them? Didn't some guys named Matthew, Mark, Luke and John do that with Jesus? And look what They accomplished! It's too bad other people spoiled it!
I know you and Mr. Polley, your husband, and The King and many others could do just as wonderful things if you'd all get together and do what God wants. We're running out of time! Mr. Polley went to his favorite restaurant last night. He loves to sit there and watch the children so happily get their food at the buffet and their parents helping them. He's got a favorite spot where he can see everything. The place just has such a wonderful feeling. I could feel it through him. It's just one of those special places you like to be. It's almost like a church! Mr. Polley says he lives on the childrens' smiles. Happy children give him the hope to keep going because he always wants them to be happy. Too many of them, all too soon will learn how cruel the world is. I wish he would make it so that very few children have to learn that, that most of them will always be happy.
I'm going to ask you again, have you got my letter? Have you read it? Are you going to take it to my grandmother? Are you going to show the world your power? Mr. Polley says there's nothing wrong with trying and failing. If you do God's will and people reject it God will always praise it. But if you don't do it God doesn't have a chance to praise it. I want so much for God to praise you, not just for me but so you will see how wonderful it is and you will want to be praised more. If there's something wrong with my letter, something bad about it, tell me. Maybe we can change it. If I'm asking something inappropriate maybe you've got people that can tell me how to ask it rightly. God wants to praise you. He wants to say to you "Well done, my daughter!" Don't you want that? Please give us an address! Come to Mr. Polley and give it to him yourself so he'll know it's from you without question, and keep hearing what God wants you to do. Everybody says I'm wrong, that you're too old, that you couldn't be vice president in four years, then president in eight. How old was Mr. Reagan? If he could do it, why can't you? I believe, I believe because God says it can be! And I wish you would believe. Do answer me! Mr. Polley got a hate mail this morning saying he was crazy because I ask people to have you help me. He is so afraid of Mr. Polley. He knows he is the truth, so he has to call him crazy to give him an excuse not to listen, and then he'll wonder why he's destroyed forever. Please don't be like him! Please don't say Mr. Polley is crazy because he has to tell the truth, because he says "we" instead of "I", because he knows he's only a part of something great and he needs those other parts to do what needs to be done. Please don't say he's crazy because he loves me and wants to give me eternal life! Please answer me!


A Once Loving Child Who Has Become A Creature Of The Night





Against God



We began this article by saying that somebody that disagreed with us hates Caylee. Some say that this is unfair. Can't we compromise a little bit and understand that this person has a different opinoin, and try to make some compromise? No! Absolutely and positively not! Those who attack what we are saying are directly attacking God, who is the main Source of all the information that we put out. If someone calls us insane because of what we're saying then he is saying God is insane. He is saying all that is good is insane. So we cannot tolerate them at all. There is no compromise, there is no middle ground. There is only truth, and, there is falsity. No matter how much the anti abortionists beg to have their falsity accepted by God it never will be, because they are in direct defiance with what God teaches. They say man can destroy a soul by destroying an unborn body. This is blasphemy! It denies God, and therefore God will not accept it. Those who are saying that we are insane because we say a young girl that was betrayed by her mother has become a creature of Darkness are denying God because God warns this can happen. There can be no compromise! Those who are against us are against God!


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