a young colored woman opened it, one of the darkest I'd ever seen. I told her "I have a letter for the reverend." She said "Come in dear!" I was led into a dining room where a man was sitting at the table. I held out the letter and he took it, said "Sit down dear, and have some tea!" He read the letter then looked at me in shock. "What is it father?" his daughter asked. "Young woman," he asked, "do you know what this letter says?" "No sir!" I answered. "It says that if I take you in and marry you Sunday and consumate the marriage promptly Sunday evening the church's debts will be paid and there will even be some surplus. How old are you?" "I'll be fifteen," I answered, "Saturday." "My God!" the reverend answered "I'll be 35 Saturday! Do you do this of your own free will?" "No sir," I answered, "I have no free will. I must do exactly what my master tells me to do and I am very much afraid of Sunday night. But I know I will awake Monday morning and find I had nothing to fear at all, because if my master sent me here and is instructing me to do this I know I will be treated with the greatest of dignity. And I promise you I will be a good wife and fulfill all my duties. But I have no choice. I cannot leave." The reverend's daughter put her hand on my shoulder and asked "What will happen if you leave?" I told her "I'll get a room somewhere, I will go to bed and I will die. My death will be very unpleasant. But that will not be the worst. After I die I will die forever, I will have no eternal life. I am not ready yet. That's why I am here." The young woman looked at her father and said "Father, do not torment her any longer! You know you must accept. She has been sent by God. We'll find some excuse." "They've already given one in the letter!" the reverend remarked. "Well, it is awful hard to resist that smile! Perhaps it is the will of God. Have her sleep with you the next few days, and then when it's proper she will enter my bedroom." I slept every night in that bedroom for the next fifty years. I died there beside him, only a little while after he died. We died the same night. And I never had a single regret. I think it was the most joyous life any woman could've had except for one thing. Sometimes I would cry because I wasn't there of my own free will. That was the only thing that ever hurt. I had eight wonderful children and was beloved by everyone in the community. And he didn't forsake me when we died. He stayed with me, helping me do every little chore I was asked to do. He only left a few weeks ago. He's gone to that Saudi Arabia place. Everybody seems to be going there! I'm going to be reborn soon and though I'll be in The United States I know some day I'm going to meet this man from Saudi Arabia and he's going to look at me and say "Don't I know you?" and it will start all over again. And this time it will be of my free will."
I think God is wonderful. I think He is so utterly wonderful! Sometimes even when He has to punish people to make them understand the wrongs they are doing that punishment can be so beautiful that those being punished don't really mind, they don't really mind at all. I certainly hope she gets to meet that young man from Saudi Arabia, that Mr. Polley sees to it that it doesn't take too long. Fifteen years ought to be good enough. They don't have to get married right away! They can just be friends for a while.
Something went on here last night. Mr. Lennon said it was just a little skirmish but I think the demons tried to come and take me. They're still scared. People in Florida are beginning to know what is happening and they're afraid they'll rise in my support and ask you to come. I keep begging people to email you. I dream of having something like what my friend had. But Mr. Polley keeps saying there's very little hope. It all depends on my mother and we'll never be able to reach her. He won't lie to me. He can't do that. I know he wants to find a way just like everyone else, but he won't give me false hope. He knows my letter is my only chance. And he's afraid you'll never take it to Florida because those around you simply won't let you care. I pray he's wrong. I wish we could find the people to at least try. I want so much to try! I want to be a little girl again, to get to be fifteen and sixteen and be looking at some man and wanting him to do that. And some day to hold my own baby in my arms and know that I will always cherish it and never call it a snot head, or a little bitch or other bad things. I'd never, ever call it those things!
There's one other thing. Everybody is pretty sure that the creatures of Darkness are making the bad weather in North Dakota. They're trying to make it so you could never come and take Mr. Polley to Washington to fight Mr. Obama, to take God's power right there. Somehow I do not think that if you chose to do it anything could stop you! You'd find a way because you're God's most powerful servant in The United States and if you don't want it to nothing can stop you!


A Once Loving Child Who Has Become A Creature Of The Night




Creative Lawyers



The article above has brought some angry responses. People say "How can you say a lawyer can't do everything in their power to defend their client, to see that they get justice, to make sure they're not railroaded into prison by public outcry?" We don't! But we do say that no lawyer has a right to try to create false circumstances and bring up false issues to confuse a jury and try to get a client off. A prime example of this was the OJ Simpson trial. Everyone remembers how his lawyers twisted facts to create reasonable doubt at least in the minds of the jurors who are not allowed to be aware of some information. When a process is misused God does not appreciate it. When there IS evidence that shows the possibility that someone else may have been involved in an incident, lawyers have every right to bring it forth. But lawyers have no right to try to create circumstances, to make it appear their client may not have committed a crime.' God is just as much against hiding evidence, but creating false stories is not acceptable!


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