is, and see it's not one light, it's all broke up. It's actually several lights. He's in trouble! He's in very bad trouble! You see, the moment her friend sees that light he's going to know this man did something really bad and he's going to confront him. And the minute he confronts him all those little lights are going to go poof, and he'll be gone forever! He'll cease to exist. So you don't have to hang around him. You don't have to be filled with hate. You really should feel sorry for him. Because your mother will have you forever. You'll probably have many more adventures with her, many more lifetimes. But his mother has lost him forever. Do you understand? He's already destroyed himself. You don't have to hate him, you don't have to fear him. Physically he was stronger than you, but your soul was stronger. Your soul destroyed his. So you can go with your mother. He's already punished. Spiritually he's already dead. But he feels he's a great man because of what he did, and he'll brag about it all his life. And that will destroy him!"
"Wow!" the boy answered. "I wish I'd known all these things," I told him. "I wish somebody had taught me about them so I wouldn't have hated and done the bad thing I did so I could go where you're going too. But I can't." The boy looked at me with pleading eyes. "I want you to!" he cried. 'My mother will take care of you. Come with us!" "I can't," I told him. "All those who loved me have sent me away. They say I'm not worth helping. They have to help the one that remains. The only thing I have is to wait and make sure she is destroyed. She's not as bad as that one. She only hurt one child. So I have to be there to make sure it ends. It is the only thing that I exist for and you mustn't exist for that. You mustn't become like me. You still have those that care for you. You'll still have those that will seek justice for you. Go with your mother!"
The boy looked at his mother and she said "There's nothing I can do. Come on! We really must go." "No!" the boy said. "I want to stay with her. I want her to have somebody that cares. I'll wait for her. When she can come I'll come. I won't do anything bad, I'll just wait with her." "You really can't," I told him. "You don't know how much joy it gives me that you want to, but you can't. You really have to go! There's only a certain amount of time that you can go without it being a problem. It will be real easy for you now. Go on! Let your mother take you home. There's people waiting for you." The boy bowed his head and said "O.k.. I think you know best. You're really nice! I don't understand. I wish people would help you." "So do I," I answered. "But I've got some really powerful people helping me and maybe they can make a difference. But they've got alot of other things to do. Mr. Obama wants to make it so men can do things with little boys, and they have to stop him! And that's not the only thing. They have alot of other things to do, alot of other children to care for, and sometimes I think I should just let them give me peace so I'm not so much trouble. But they say no and keep trying to find ways to help me. They say I'm a rallying cry. If they can help me they can help thousands of other children. But I still think I'm a burden. I'll stay as long as I can. Go on! Go with your mother!"
A portal opened up and the boy's mother took his hand and I watched them go to Heaven. A whole bunch of people greeted them. My angel put her hand on my shoulder. "It's all right," I told her. "I saved one! That's something, something I can be proud of. It's all right." She took me back to the place where I was staying and I had to go to that other jail, as I do several times a day. I just had to tell somebody I'm waiting, no matter how long it takes I'll be there, no matter how long it takes I'll have justice, then I can have peace, then I can be free. The hurt will end. Some day, no matter how long it takes, I will be free, the pain will end. If no one will help me any other way, this is the way it will end. I wish someone would tell her that. I wish someone would tell her I'm waiting and that we will end together. Someday, without question she will cease to exist forever and a few moments later I will. At least we will have peace together.
Everybody wants there to be another way but nobody wants to help. Nobody will do anything. Everybody abandons me. So this is the only way it can end, this is the way it will end. But I hope while I'm waiting there can be a few more good nights, like last night. It will just make it better. I wish I had people to talk to, I wish I had people that would answer. There's still time for people to email Mrs. Bush, or put ads in the papers saying "Please Laura Bush, answer Caylee, please!" Mr. & Mrs. Polley can't afford it but if there were enough ads she might answer and maybe there could be another way. I really would like there to be another way! You don't know how much I want that. But if no one will help there can't be.


A Once Loving Child Who Has Become A Creature Of The Night




Little Wonders



Everyone is amazed how Caylee is doing. They wonder how it can be if we say she's as troubled as she is. Well, we certainly have to say it's one of God's little miracles. But she's extremely adaptive and seems to instinctively know how to deal with many situations. In the last one it was purely her knowledge of the circumstances and her companion's explaination that won over the one they were trying to help. But to tell you the absolute truth we are seeing things in the last few years that are simply remarkable. The word miracle is the only thing that can be applied to them, that as damaged as she is this child has been able to function is a wonder that no one has ever seen before. We still would like to do a patch job and make her soul a little more sound. It would mean she could not get quite as close to us as she has been but it's absolutely necessary. We don't know how these things are happening, we just pray they keep happening!

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