An Open Letter From Caylee Anthony
To Pope Benedict XVI, Leader Of The Catholic Church
25-01-00 AJ



Most Profound Greetings!



First of all I should introduce myself. I am a little girl, a true child, who was murdered in Florida and who, because I was seeking justice, and was very angry with those that hurt me, did a terrible thing for which God should destroy me, should send me to eternal death. But God has had pity on me and sent me to His beloved servants, Mr. & Mrs. Polley who have been caring for me and Mr. Polley has been trying to find a way to do a miracle and give me eternal life. While he is doing this God has put me to work. It's hard for Him and Mr. Polley to communicate directly so God tells me what He wants and I tell Mr. Polley. And what God wants right now is to tell you something very important.
He is very, very angry with you because you have brought this man back into the church that denies that The Nazis murdered millions of His children, who says that Jewish people should convert to your religion. God forbids this! This man is profoundly evil. He is possessed by a creature of Darkness and should not, under any circumstances, be part of your church. You should again remove him from your church and forbid any of your followers to teach this blasphemy! It is simply unacceptable that you have welcomed him back into your church and God says that because of it you may never enter His Kingdom. You knew better than this! You know no one should be allowed in the church that say that God's children should convert to your religion. You know this is against God's wishes. You say you do not agree with this man, you say The Holocaust happened, you say you do not share his views, but God says if you welcome him, if you say he's acceptable you accept his views. You cannot have things both ways. You cannot say that you believe The Holocaust happened and then say someone that denies it is acceptable. Such twisted logic is unacceptable to God. If you believe The Holocaust happened you must forbid anyone teaching that it didn't. And you must also teach that your people should have good relations with the children of Israel and they do not have to convert to your religion.
I stole my ability to communicate as an adult so if I don't express things very well, please understand. But I think you are really a very nice person and it would hurt me deeply if God was to say to you "You defied me! There is no place for you among my people! You committed blasphemy after blasphemy and drove my Son away. You would not accept the reforms that I wanted made in your church. You put people in your church that teach hate and deny the glory of my people. How do you think you can abide with me? Go away!" If God was to say this to you it would hurt me terribly.
I'm trying to get Mr. Polley to perform a miracle. I want to be his true daughter. I want to live with him and Mrs. Polley and grow up and have him fix my soul so I can have eternal life. It is probably the only chance I have. A lot has to be done to make this work. But if it does work I would like to have you visit Mr. Polley some day and hold me when I am a little girl and bless me and ask God to make me whole so I will have eternal life. I would like that very, very much. But if you support people that say The Nazis didn't kill millions of Jews Mr. Polley would not be able to let you in his house. If you support people that say men can have relations with little boys Mr. Polley could not invite you. If you say that people have a right to kill in the name of Jesus I could never see you. So I ask you to turn from these things, to understand that they are wrong and ask Mr. Polley what it is God wants you to do to make you right with Him, so God will smile at you and tell Mr. Polley to tell you to come and visit me because he wants you to give me His blessings.
I asked God why I am being treated so special, why I was simply not destroyed. And God said "You made true confession. You told everyone what you did was wrong. You do not hide it and you are willing to accept your punishment if things do not go as We would like them to. When you have your justice, when what was done to you is answered for, you are willing to accept peace. You do not want to be what you have become. You would rather be destroyed forever than continue the way you are. The one you hurt has forgiven you and everyone wants you to have eternal life because they admire your honesty and your courage. So I must ask my servant to do all in his power to see that you have it. Because this is how important telling the truth is."
I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. By telling you about me I'm in hopes you'll understand how important it is to support the truth even if it makes bad feelings among your people, even if some of them do not want to accept it the truth is the most important thing. You made a mistake. You let this man back into your church. But if you tell the world "I forgot for a time God's truth and I must remove this man from my church again unless he will denounce his false teachings. If he will publicaly announce that what he has been saying is untrue and The Holocaust did happen, he can remain. And if he accepts fellowship with our Israeli brothers and sisters without saying that they should convert, he would be welcome. But if he will not do these things he cannot be part of our fellowship." God wants you to give this individual every opportunity to speak the truth. He does not wish to destroy him. He wishes him to do good works and serve Him. But only those that tell the truth can serve God. That is why I am allowed to do the things that I do, and that is what God wants for you.
Mr. Polley can help you with any question. God has given him the authority and the wisdom to correct all false teaching. I wouldn't want that job! But he has it, and he has to do that while he tries to save me, too. So I ask you not to make so much work for him and do what God wants.


A Loving Child That Has Become A Creature Of The Night


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