Caylee asks this letter be sent to the Florida media, Washington, DC, and Los Angeles, CA because of the mention of the situation with The Obama Room.


An Open Letter From Caylee Anthony
To The Editor Of The Orlando Sentinel
Charlotte H. Hall
30-01-00 AJ



Most Profound Greetings To One Of God's Servants!



Well, I guess God has found a way to punish Alaska for having that woman that tortures young girls run for vice president, a volcano, no less! Well, God doesn't have bombs so He has to use what's handy. But He likes to tell people when He's displeased, and He doesn't like people that tortures His daughters, no matter how right they think they are! The Republicans are saying they're going to have a hard time recovering from the defeat in the election. They have no idea! If God has His way, in a little while there will be no Republican party, another people will rise to replace them that won't torture God's daughters for political power when they know it's wrong.
Had something really horrible happen last night. It kind of spoiled Mr. Polley's birthday a bit, and the secret that I'm keeping that I want to shout to all the world because it is so wondrous. A beautiful young woman came to visit me, and my friends were very upset that she had come. But she asked to speak with me and I said "Sure!" And I asked her what was wrong, and she said "Your friends don't like me because I'm one of your worst enemies. You see, God has asked me to serve The Father Of Fathers who you call Mr. Polley. He has come to me directly and said I should do this and help you. But I can't. You see, one of Mr. Polley's bitterest enemies is a relative of mine, and if I help Mr. Polley I will be helping destroy him. And though my family knows it's right that he should be destroyed, we can't help do it, because he is family. So I have come to offer myself in exchange. Mr. Polley needs soul fragments to help you, so later, if you can find the money, you can become his daughter. I offer myself instead. You can ask Mr. Polley to destroy me and take as much of me as he can to fortify your soul. I will be destroyed anyway because I am disobeying God, it does not matter. And if I am going to be destroyed I would rather at least partially do what God asks me to do. So I give myself to you. You can have Mr. Polley take me and give as much of me as he can to you."
I could not believe someone was saying this. I could not believe that they refused to do what God asked them to do yet they were willing to let themselves be destroyed forever to help me! It was so absolutely horrifying! Finally I said"No, I couldn't do that. I thank you with all that I am for making the offer, but I could not do that. Instead, I will ask Mr. Polley to try to find some way of saving you. I couldn't! I couldn't do that! I understand, I think much of the problem that I have right now is being caused by very much the same situation. But I can't have you destroyed for me. You're too beautiful. You're what I want to be some day. I think you'd better leave so you don't upset my friends and they want to hurt you. But I can't do what you ask." The girl smiled. "You're worthy of what I offer," she sighed, "far more worthy than I will ever be!" She bowed and left. I simply don't understand. She won't do what God asks, yet she offers herself to me, offers to let herself be destroyed for me. I simply can't understand!
Well, on to other things. This is my personal little hell. God is extremely angry that the owner of The White House Restaurant in, Anaheim, California, is being attacked because he has opened a room in honor of Mr. Obama. He has been receiving all kinds of hate mail. God would like very much when Mr. Polley can travel again, to use his physical form to go to this restaurant and have dinner there in the Obama room, to show the world though we have disagreements with Mr. Obama we do not tolerate racial hatred and attack some people that honor him. We will oppose his policies when they displease God, but we will not attack his race. God would be very appreciative if this could be arranged if you would join him, representing the people of Florida. God was wondering if your newspaper might have a fund raising campaign to make such a trip possible when Mr. Polley is able to travel, which wouldn't be so hard right now. It's just something they wanted me to bring up.
There's another little matter. God still intends for Mr. Polley to again run for the presidency in 2,012 if they can put a proper campaign together. God was wondering if Mr. Polley should win if you would be his press secretary. Mr. Polley wants to have all of his cabinet and all of his staff laid out before the election, so the American people will know exactly what they are getting. God wants Mr. Polley to run as a Republican and would like to get the support of the Republican party. If not, there is talk of an Independent campaign, forming a new party to replace the Republicans that are focused on the people and not a few religious fanatics fixated on one misguided cause. If you think it's something you might be interested in, do let Mr. Polley know. And we have got to make people understand that economic difficulties are no reason to kill your entire family! The loss of material property is nothing. The loss of your soul because you''ve killed your loved ones over it is everything! We do wish you'd help us make people understand that!
In conclusion I will ask again if you have gotten the letter for my grandfather. I am praying somebody has not marked it "return to sender" and that it is coming back to us! And again, I will state I would like to know you, the real you. I would love to exchange a few letters. If Mr. Polley was running for president what are some of the issues that you'd like him to work on? The last time people liked that he wanted to get rid of the draft completely, forbid it forever. Would you like that? He loves people giving him ideas.


A Once Loving Child That Has Become A Creature Of The Night


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