05-01-00 AJ
An Open Letter From Caylee Anthony
To First Lady Laura Bush



Let me say again how much I appreciate the visitors you bring to me. My goodness! The First Lady Of France is gorgeous! And her husband is very handsome. It was so nice when she said she wished she could remember her visit in the morning because she would sing for me and raise some money. That would be nice!
Remember my letter is coming. Please have your people get it for you and don't let anyone else read it except you and my grandmother. I don't want some derranged reporter making fun of it. Oh! Mr. Polley says I've gotta stop saying that, but the dear French lady asked again why I appear a child, why I can't take on the appearance of an adult. Mr. Polley says I should explain again that that's because I've never been one. This was my second lifetime. In the first one I only lived a few hours. I can't put on an older appearance because I've never had one. This is the oldest I've ever gotten, and I can't take that ability from anybody else. So this is the way I will always appear. He says I've gotten the worst breaks of anybody he's every come across! He's never seen anything like this except once before, and that one wasn't quite as bad. But that's why I always appear as I was, because I can't be anything else, I have never been anything else.
I bet The Democrats wish they could stop God! How easily He can expose their corruption! He got the governor of New Mexico, Mr. Richardson. He won't be serving in Obama's cabinet. Mr. Polley's people are doing so well. We hope they can keep it up and just mess things up for Obama so bad, get scandal after scandal so he simply can't function, so in four years people will want Mr. Polley to be President and you to be Vice President. Please tell people right now that you will be working towards that goal, doing things with Mr. Polley to prove your capability.
Here's something I bet you didn't know. Mr. Polley's dreams are recorded and they can be watched in The Afterlife. They can let us see them. The boys like the nightmares he's been having, but the girls don't. But many of them could be made into funny movies. He was dreaming last night the commander of the North Dakota National Guard came to him and told him The Arabs had raised a force to help Israel and Gaza to show they didn't support the terrorists. But they would only go in if Mr. Polley would lead them. So two cute young army girls had volunteered to stay overnight with Mr. Polley for two days to get his powers working, then to take him to the marines that would be his operations unit, where two young marines would take over. But when they got to the marines the two girls there wanted the army girls to stay. And when they got to Israel the Israeli girls wanted everybody else to stay! Some of the reporters were going crazy because an American general had six young women sleeping with him. Then when the two Arab girls came, and it was seen how young they were everybody really started screaming! But Mr. Polley did such a good job that everybody soon started talking about that instead of all these girls being around him. The Arab men said "So he has a harem? So what? They are all excellent soldiers who serve their commander very well and are exceptionally brave!" The dream was just so funny! Everyone was laughing and laughing. But it was so real! The Saudi King was in it telling newscasts that The Arab People had to show the world that the hate had to stop. And he was praising Mr. Polley as the calif of Islam. Mr. Polley complains about these dreams but everybody in The Afterlife loves them! It's not exactly reality television, call it dream television, but it is fun. We wish we could share it with the living.
Some people are complaining that so much emphasis is being put on me when so much else is going on in the world. And everybody else is screaming back "Every child is important! Every soul we save matters! If she can save her mother it is one more soul to keep the human race alive." I love everyone so much! I wish we could succeed. They keep asking me to fight. I am fighting. I'm doing the best I can. But I can't forget what I did, and I know what that means. I can't tell people what it was. It hurts too much. Mr. Polley says it might take twenty to thirty years to rebuild my soul! And they would have to have someone very close to me to do it. And we could never get that person. So I have to accept what is. And I wish people would help, and not feel bad. It will be all right. It's what's best for me. I don't want to be like this. I can't undo what I did. So there's only one way for me to have peace. I wish people would accept and help me do what I need to do so I can have it. I know, it's hard. I appreciate all the love. But sometimes there are people that can't be given enough love. Well, we'll stop talking about that.
Everyone, and I mean everyone is asking again if you will please stay in contact with Mr. Polley. The days are running out. What am I going to do if I can't talk to you, and I can't tell you of the wondrous things that are happening? Imagine what it would be like for your daughters if they knew you were still alive, that you were right there, but that they couldn't reach out to you, they were forbidden to communicate with you because of bad things that they had done. If you can imagine what it would be like for them, you would have a small idea of what it is like for me. I have become so dependent on Mr. & Mrs. Polley, on my dear angel in Los Angeles, and upon you. One man and three ladies..they say that's usually the way it works out. I beg of you not to forsake me! I don't know if I will be able to function if I lose even one of those contacts with the material world. And every little thing I'm able to do with the power that's coming from you and the others are the only things that keep me going. Mr. Polley says it's not right to beg, that people need to work with you because they absolutely want to. But I don't think it's wrong to


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