To the media of The United States, and especially to the dear lady at The Sentinel in Orlando. I send these beautiful words that were said for me by one of God's servants. That so many cry out for me gives me the greatest joy! I wish so much they would be heard, and my hours of pain come to an end. This email sent February 1st.

Caylee Anthony

A Prayer Given By Pope John Paul II
Unto All The World
Delivered At The Sabbath Celebration
In The Kingdom Of Israel
January 30th, 2,009

Oh Precious Father, Our Refuge And Our Strength, Our Beginning And Our End,

I call You forth on this day with Your consort who You have declared to Us as Our Mother and Your Partner in Our creation.
I ask, Oh God, that You hear the prayer of this, Your humble servant, who is not truly worthy to come before You, and may do so only because of that precious Gift that was given unto him by Our Lord And Savior, Jesus Christ, who though He has departed from Us I believe has left behind His power and His glory in Those who serve Him so it may still redeem Us, if man will turn from his evil and return to Your glory.
Your children, oh God, are in grave peril. Those who would destroy them have taken power throughout the world, and would sodomize and destroy their souls forever. A few of Your precious servants stand boldly against them, and are hated by those that do not wish to serve You, but have whatever they desire. I ask you, oh Lord, to strengthen those servants, and give them so much power and so much glory that none will be able to stand against them. I ask you especially, that You continue to have Your servant who Heaven calls Demetrius and who mankind calls Speaker Gerald Polley to continue to speak out to the leaders of Your churches and tell them that they must turn from the falsity that man has put in their churches, and return to Your glory. It shames me, Lord, that one who does not even truly belong to You stands between Your children and damnation, that Your own have so forsaken you that You must call on the house of another to make Your glory known. Though I will bless this one for all eternity, I wish so much that my own would rally to him, hear his wisdom, and do Thy will so that Your children will stand for You as well as the children of others, that Your own will stand side by side with them and fulfill Your glory.
In this hour of great peril, oh Lord, a wonder is happening. One of Your daughters has fallen into the Darkness. It wishes to devour her, it wishes to draw her into eternal night and extinguish her light forever. Her name is Caylee of the house of Anthony, and her existence continues only because the servant that You have appointed has so much of Your power and glory that he may maintain her shattered soul until he can find a way to give her eternal life. Oh Lord, I pray to You with all that I am, with all that I can ever be, that you rally the world behind your servant and a way be found that this treasure be saved, that she be brought back to The Light and given eternal life. I ask you to touch the hearts of every religious leader throughout the world and have them cry "God, send Your power to Your servant. Give this child eternal life! Let her be the proving of Your glory. Let her be the wonder of Your Light. By saving her let it be shown that mankind can be saved. I ask you especially to call out to the leaders of my own faith and have them join this struggle. Some say that one child is not that important, rather or not she has justice does not matter. But I say unto You, and I say unto the world, the fate of every child matters. Every light that is extinguished in the Darkness brings the destruction of mankind ever nearer. So therefore, every light that can be saved is precious, and the saving of this one will lead to the saving of many more.
I ask that You especially reach out to Charlotte of the house of Hall, who resides in Orlando, Florida, where this dear child's physical existence was destroyed. I ask that You touch her with Your power, oh God, and that You ask her to take the lead in that place to save this child, to rally her people to Your servant, tell them what is needed, and help raise the people to Your glory, that Your will may be done and this child be given eternal life by the power and the glory that You have given Your servant. By You, Our Father, by You, Our Creator, and by Your Consort all things can be done if Your children will receive Your power and Your glory and do Thy will. I ask You, oh God, to make Your presence known to them, and to have them do Your will.
I ask these things in the name of Our Savior, Jesus Of Nazareth, who is called The Christ, and I know that by asking You these things in His name, they will be fulfilled, for He has said unto Us "Ask The Father what You need, in my Name and that He will fulfill."
You are the power and the glory forever. Amen.

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