An Open Letter From God The Father
To Governor Arnold Schwargenegger Of California
10-03-00 AJ

Greetings To My Leader On The Western Coast!

Your strength is needed beyond your understanding at this time. Yesterday and this morning Demetrius and Alura sent a copy of my letter requesting your assistance in getting to California and aiding the anti gay forces to 120 mega churches throughout California. This is dangerous because every time we do this I lose some of my children. But now there are over 120 people that know I am calling out to you and asking you and your wife to save my children. And the more that know the more power we receive.
You will ask what do I mean, every time we send out an email We lose some of Our children? The so-called pastor of one of these mega churches saw only dollar signs when he read our message, feared that he might lose a few and perhaps a few supporters, sent a letter attacking my servant, thereby threw away his soul, cast it into the trash and said "I will accept eternal death before I'll risk losing any of my financial bases." Sadly this individual will probably take many of his followers with him into eternal death, because he will keep the truth from them or tell them not to follow it and destroy them forever. His end will be sad and desperate, and all that he has created will crumble to dust. Some day people will walk by his glorious temple and say "What is this deserted building?" and another will answer "Oh, some false minister used to put on performances here, pretended he was serving God. The people became aware that he was false and deserted him, and this place is now a ruin. They really ought to tear it down, it's an eyesore. No one will use it any more." That is the fate of his ministry. That is the fate of all who falsely serve me and only worship the dollar. All that they do will turn to dust, and they will suffer humiliation. People will laugh at them and wonder how they could've been so foolish. This is the fate of all who turn against me and follow the way of man so they may be glorified and enriched. They and those that follow them will know only eternal death.
I have been asked how can I ask your wife to take part in such a foolishness, to humiliate herself by doing something so childish? Well, I've never felt that my servants glorifying me was foolish, nor have I ever considered it childish. I will admit I have a small ulterior motive. I have been told that your dear one has been lost to me forever, that the creatures of Darkness have control of her and that I cannot save her. I do not like being told such things! I do not like being told that any are lost to me. I will do all in my power to call to them and have them returned to me. By doing this service for me your dear one would be glorified. She would prove that there are still those that believe and will do my will so that my glory can be manifested. In that I will be able to confront the creatures of Darkness and say "See? You do not control my children! Your deception can be broken, and I can win back those that have strayed away. No matter how much you deceive, the truth can be returned. You can be defeated. Your power will never be greater than mine!" That is why I seek the services of your dear wife, and I do not see where what I am asking her is in any way humiliating. To spend some time with my dear servants and strengthen them so they can do my will, so I can lead my people, what is humiliating about that? I believe it is glorifying. I believe it will give your lady praise for all time, that when so many were failing me she came to me and did my will. I see no humiliation, I see no disgrace. I see only the fulfillment of my truth.
There is some further assistance I could ask of you. Some of the churches we were trying to reach were Hispanic and Korean, and I believe some were even Chinese. As we do not have staff that can work in these languages we were unable to reach them. But they are needed as much as the English speaking churches are needed. So if you have anyone fluent in these languages we would appreciate you having them send these people our message so we may get them to join the battle. My goal is still simple, to have you accept my truth, invite me to California and help me rally my forces to defeat the homosexual movement, not just homosexual marriage, but the whole effort to make homosexuality socially acceptable. This is my purpose. This is what I am asking you to do, to empower me, to bear witness to me, and to support me. They say Christianity is dying in The United States, that fewer and fewer people say they're Christian, or even believe in me at all. I need those that believe. I still have plans for you. I intend to have Demetrius, Speaker Gerald A. Polley run for president again, and if he wins I still intend for him to ask you to be his secretary of defense. And I will ask you to campaign for him in California telling the people that if he wins you will stand beside him and take this post. You are very important in our plans, and we do not give up on our efforts. We might be defeated once, but we come back again and again until we're victorious. That is Our way. I desire that you serve me, I will tell the world forever that I desire you to serve me, that I have a place for you. Because I know there is no one better to fill that place. So I'm very, very stubborn. It's just my nature. I will tell the world what I desire until I have it.
We are getting a little bit concerned that one of Demetrius' stories may be strangely in danger of coming true! He wrote a story called "The Fighting President" that began when The North Koreans shot down a passenger liner carrying American dependents back to The United States. Now The North Koreans are threatening commercial aircraft, and threatening war with the south. We do not think Obama could handle such a situation. These are very dangerous times! Here's a link to Demetrius' story. All precautions should be taken to make sure nothing like this ever happens. The current leadership in Washington would be incapable of rallying the world's forces to deal with the situation and it would escalate into a nightmare that no one would want.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All Now, And, Forever

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