There is one final thing I wish to speak of today. I am still meeting resistance even in my own Kingdoms, of appointing women and even young women, to such important positions. Many want them to be controlled by men who will have the ultimate authority. That will not happen! The equality of my daughters will be established! They will have the places where they are dominant, where they will lead. Their equality will be shown. There will be men with them, but they will not dominate them, they will not control them, they will serve them. That is why I desire your service so much. This is the mission that you were sent upon to reestablish my daughters' equality. I ask tht you not fail them, that you take your place.
Also, there has been some talk of replacing you as Demetrius' vice presidential candidate with Mrs. Schwarzenegger. I reject this idea. Mr. Schwarzenegger is the one I want for the secretary of defense. Mr. Schwarzenegger will be very busy supporting him in that role and We do not feel that We could win with her as the vice presidential candidate. You are still the best chance we have. And therefore I still ask you to take this position. We can succeed, no matter how much the ignorant say we can't, We can restore decency to The United States! Some popular misbeliefs will have to be set aside but We can succeed, and I again call you to that battle, and I state clearly if some circumstance can be found that a world can be made available for the people of Texas, I will make you its God The Mother with power and authority equal to my own. And I will make your husband your Consort, its God The Father. But it's you that will have spiritual dominion over it. It is the best I can offer. But you are still Our best hope of defeating those that would destroy Our children. If you and Demetrius are working together, if We can raise the rest of the world nothing can stop Us! We would be invincible!
I wish so much to hear from your husband and have him say "I'm starting some fund raising, Speaker Polley. I'm setting up your campaign headquarters. We'll be working here in Texas! Lets get your daughters together and get you to Washington! Let's start fighting! Laura's on her way to North Dakota. They want hell, we'll give it to them!" You do not know what hearing those words would mean, not just for me but for every soul that dwells in my Kingdoms, for they would know We now have a chance, We would know that We now have hope.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever


By; Gerald A. Polley

You never know what's going to bring back the most pleasant memories! Many years ago when I was living in Virginia I had problems with the teachers forcing religion on me. The teacher in my class would make the students repeat The Lord's Prayer with one student leading every morning. When she would ask me to I would refuse. One time I was taken to the principle's office and beaten with a paddle, and the principle told me that the next time the teacher told me to do something, to do it. I told him to do what's anatomicaly impossible, and he threatened to beat me again.
A while later the teacher insisted I say The Lord's Prayer again, and I told her no. I was taken to the principle's office again and he proceeded to try to paddle me again. I took the paddle away from him. He called in two other teachers and told them to secure me, and I told them if they tried I'd kill them and their families. Nobody was beating me again for their religion! The other two teachers backed off and said 'No way! This kid is crazy!" The principle threatened to bring in the state police, and I said "Bring 'em on!"
In the end he simply sent me back to the room, and asked the teacher not to try to make me say the prayer again. They sent me to a social worker, and when she heard what happened she was just totally amazed! It just so happened that every week she took a group of retarded children to the bowling alley directly across the street from where I lived, and she started asking me to tag along. I guess she thought I'd open up more in a public situation. But I quickly became friends with the other children, though they were quite a bit younger.
One day I saw the counselor comforting one of the girls that was crying. When everything seemed to be better I asked her what was wrong and the teacher kind of grinned. "She didn't know you had problems," she remarked. "When she learned that you could barely read and write she got upset. She didn't want you to be like her. She's really fond of you."
"Oh!" I said. After that I made a special effort to be nice to that particular girl and to show her some affection, as she was not getting much at home. It was really sad when I had problems with the son of the manager of the trailer park and he made us leave. But this special olympics with Obama brought all these memories back.
I heard the little girl was being taken to another family that would be better able to take care of her, and were interested in helping her. I often wonder how she made out. All the years that have passed by, all the memories stored away just waiting for a little slap to bring them back to the surface! How did I ever get into so much stuff?


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