An Open Letter To Pope Benedict XVI Of Rome
From The Lord Of Hosts
23-03-00 AJ

Below is a letter I have sent to The First Lady Of California and to the people of Oregon. I have also sent it to Catholic Churches in Oregon and, California asking their support. In it I clearly state that I have removed you from The Book Of Life, that you are no longer one of my children. I have, however, made a circumstance that you may still have eternal life. If you will join our efforts, reform your church and follow Demetrius' guidance, Speaker Gerald A. Polley, who I still desire that you make a cardinal in the church. I understand that you are in Africa. I ask you when you plan to return to stop off in The United States, visit Governor Schwarzenegger and his wife in California, and ask them to fulfill my wishes, visit with your people in California, and ask them to give Demetrius their full and complete support, to provide him with a temporary courier/protector until such time as you can arrange a permanent one from Rome. If you will do this I guarantee you you will have eternal life. This effort is so important that I will forgive many grievences against me and against my people to ensure its success. Demetrius has been begging me on behalf of your people to offer some permanant concession, to say that if you fulfill our wishes you may yet enter into my Kingdoms. I am not sure that I can do that. Your stubbornness hurts me. But I will say for the sake of this effort, that if you cooperate in it I will consider giving you a place in my Kingdom. That is the best I will do right now. If you can get Governor Schwarzenegger to do what we want, get his wife to do what we want, I will consider returning your status. It will depend on other cooperation in the future. But I want this trip to California, I want the public support there. I want to challenge these foul creatures. You know full well that my Teachings are absolutely true, that the wages of sin is death, eternal. That those who oppose me are destroyed forever. You should stand by me in these teachings. You know salvation is not a ticket to sin. I give you another chance to join us. Go to Governor Schwarzenegger, go to his wife and ask them to join us. Go to your bishops in California and order them to join us. Begin a reconciliation with me.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

( See Page 33 for letter )

We'd Be Stuck With Him

How can we offer Pope Benedict XVI eternal life if he has been banished from The Kingdoms Of God? Well, it's rather simple, really. Though The Christians don't want to admit it, there's far more than The Kingdoms Of God in The Afterlife. There's a part of The Afterlife only known by a few called The Spiritist Republic. The Christians sometimes refer to it as Hell because The Children Of The Lords that dwell in The Republic care for those that didn't live very good lives and ended up nearly destroying themselves until they recover, can reincarnate, and go back into The Circle Of Life. Many Christians believe that this is torture, and that these individuals should simply be allowed to perish, that it is wrong to care for them. However, God disagrees, and appreciates The Children Of The Lords taking care of these people, bringing them back to health and returning them to The Circle Of Life so God has praised The Childrens' work for untold ages. If Pope Benedict could not be restored to The Kingdoms Of God he would probably find himself in The Republic, and doing quite well. He would not like dwelling there, he would much rather be with his friends in The Kingdoms Of God. But he would have eternal life. And eventually he might be reborn, live as a good Christian, and reenter The Kingdoms Of God, which oftentimes happens. And The Children Of The Lords do not mind at all. For though a person should return to God it is very rare that they do not stay friends. The Afterlife is complex, It's definitely not simple! Actually a part of it that mankind is told to fear because they will suffer There, is actually a part of their survival, and their eventual return to God. It would not surprise Us if Benedict spent some time with Us, that eventually he'd end up back in The Kingdoms Of God. But that would be perfectly all right.


How Long Are We Stuck With Them?

Another question we are often asked when we talk about the situation above, is how long somebody might spend with us before they return to the cycle of life and rejoin God's Kingdoms. Well, it's incredible to say that we're still caring for people that messed up in Biblical times, over 2,000 years! Now, most of them, if they've managed to survive that long, are doing very well, probably functioning and serving as Spirit Guides and such. But they just can't bring themselves to reenter The Circle Of Life for fear they might mess up again. And sadly some have. We're trying to work with one right now that kind of messed up ages ago but now has an opportunty for greatness. You just never know how thesse things are going to go. It was so sad when The Pope that had ruled during World War 2 got caught up in this mess and managed to destroy himself after he had done so well for so long. But as we say, that's just how these things go, sometimes. You just can't get people to do the right thing, sometimes. They are just so lost in the ways of the material world and can't let go, no matter how long they have been told the truth, they have to cling to the falsity. But most do very well, it just takes time. We firmly believe when the current situation straightens itself out many who have been waiting for a long time will reenter life. The signs are just there. But we can understand why they don't want to get in the current mess, we can understand very well!

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