This is the truth of these matters. This is why I would like to personally punish these clerics and try to beat some sense into them, because I doubt that any sense will come into them any other way. But I ask you to spread what I have said through all the media of Saudi Arabia, so that all the people will hear my words and know the truth, where these teachings came from, not from me, but from false believers bent on evil. It would give me the greatest joy if Sunni men build bonfires near their communities, take their wives out, have them remove the garments that have shamed them for so long, throw them on the bonfire and burn them, and declare that never again will they follow the teachings of murderers, thieves, and perverts. From this day forth the beauty of their wives and daughters will shine forth to the world. This would be my greatest joy. There is something else I must tell you. Because of the great trouble I am in now I wish to glorify a daughter of Islam, a daughter of the family Bin Laden. I wish to make her a goddess. I wish to give her power equal to mine. I wish her to take my people to the stars. I have been sending messages to your gracious King, the one who appointed you, asking him to speak with this young woman, tell her what it is I desire, and ask her to fulfill my will and to provide the funds necessary for her to carry out her mission. I ask you to make the media of Saudi Arabia aware of my request, and to have the people of Saudi Arabia call to the King and to the family Bin Laden and ask them to fulfill my desires, that I may glorify their daughter, have her save mankind, and take The Islamic People to the stars. Here is a link to pages telling more about this project.

I seek the freedom of my Islamic daughters. I seek the restoration of the rights that they were supposed to have. I ask my sons among The Islamic People to respect their mothers, to respect their wives, and to respect their daughters and take them out of the bondage that the false believers have put them in. I ask you to assist me in reaching the people. If you do you will be glorified! You will become one of the greatest men in history. And you better tell these clerics if they do not mend their ways, if they do not become men and respect their wives and daughters, I may yet come to Saudi Arabia and put a lash to their naked backsides before their wives and daughters so that they will know that I respect them! And I will not tolerate evil men degrading them. I would appreciate it that perhaps someone does it for me so I will not have to trouble myself.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All Now, And, Forever


Just To Get Their Attention

Now, we say we do not believe in torture, yet in the article above we are suggesting that men be flogged because of their beliefs. Isn't this a bit of a contridiction? No, because these men wouldn't be flogged because of their beliefs, they'd be flogged because they want to persecute women. They want to continue practices that would be done by men that persecuted women. God wants this persecution to stop. He wants His daughters to be respected. He wants them to be able to do jobs that they want to do, be paid equally, with their brothers, and to be able to show their beauty to the world and not be called shamed because God made them His joy. When people are doing evil things sometimes they need a little sting on the butt to fix their bad attitudes. It wouldn't be anything serious. It would be embarrassment more than anything else. But every time the man's wife saw her husband's butt for a while she'd know that God had told him to respect her, and had told him in a way that he would understand. There are some things that God will not tolerate. The abuse of His daughters is one of them. Too many perpetuate these false teachings, and say that it is His will that women be kept in a place of bondage, and it is not. God wants these traditions to end! And when God wants something sooner or later He'll get His way! If naughty little boys fight with Him and try to keep His daughters slaves, God will do what He has to do to get their attention. He's good at that, He's very good at that! Sooner or later He'll succeed!


All Powerful

A friend of ours asked the other day "Why does God need a body? Thought He was all powerful, thought He could do anything!" We kind of like God's answer. "Yes, I am all powerful. If I wanted to I could blow California off the face of the Earth, make it a forgotten memory. In twenty-four hours I could reduce the world to a burned out cinder, but doing those things wouldn't be very good for my children, would it? I don't think they'd appreciate it much. As a matter of fact, I don't think they'd appreciate it at all! Once and a while I need a physical form to bring my power in such a way that I can get things done and not hurt my children. Remember a guy named Father Abraham? Remember Moses? Remember this guy named Jesus that mankind has driven away? These were all guys that let me use their bodies, that let me work through them. My friend Demetrius is just another, another physical form that I use to get my work done. And he does a pretty good job, alot better than others are doing! That's why he's so poor, because he's not doing for himself, he's doing for me and my children. That's what makes him a friend and a good servant. I wish I could say he was one of my children, but there are some things even I can't have, some things even I can't change, for if I did it would do untold harm to others, and I can't do that. I am all powerful. But I have to use that power wisely."

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