I am, at this time trying to raise a force to combat this evil and move my operations to Washington, DC, where I may oppose Obama directly and those with him. I am trying to raise the funds to acquire a property there. I wish to make a triumphant tour through much of The United States beginning with open visits to California, Oregon, and Texas. I am, at this time, requesting of your Governor that if We become successful in Our efforts and establish a headquarters in Washington, that one of the first places I visit afterwards be Vermont, that he extends an invitation for me to come and speak before the Vermont legislature using the physical form of my friend and servant, Speaker Gerald A. Polley, and let the people of Vermont know what are my pleasures and displeasures on many subjects. I would be overjoyed if when I made that visit in my presence the Governor could sign legislation banning civil union, and declaring homosexuality an insanity and forbidding its teaching to children, that no one be allowed to tell children it is acceptable, allowable.
You do not know how delighted i would be if I was to hear in the media that your Governor has read my statement and the Vermont legislature has stopped all efforts to legalize homosexual marriage, to promote insanity so I will not have to punish the people that have fallen away from me and are teaching my children sin, teaching them to do evil. I created perfection, I created male and female. That is all there is! Nothing else is acceptable sexually! And anyone that teaches that anything else is acceptable is a creature of Darkness and, my enemy.
This is all I have to say to you at this time, other than that my servants are watching. They check the news every morning looking for good tidings. One of these mornings I want to hear them cry to me "Vermont has heard! They are with us! The homosexual marriage legislation is defeated! We've won another one!" That is what I want to hear. That is what all your Fathers and Mothers are praying I hear because they want me to come to Vermont in joy, not in anger. Spread the word to every anti homosexual group; I am with you, I support you because you are my sons and my daughters. You have not betrayed me!

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All Now, And, Forever


Mexican Terrors

Speaker Gerald Polley continues to have these rather odd dreams, probably just frustration because of the way things are going. But some of them are very odd! The other night he was dreaming that a Mexican drug lord sent an agent to him and said he would give him fifty million dollars to do with as he pleased if he would take in his two daughters and raise them in his organization. Speaker Polley checked with the Mexican government and they said they could never prove where the guy got his money and if The Speaker wanted to he could accept the offer. They'd prefer to have the girls in a good place. The girls arrived, The Speaker put their money in the bank, arrange for them to have a generous allowance each month, and told them what their duties would be. To say that these two were bitches was an understatement! And it took The Speaker a while to get them so they behaved like young ladies. Some social workers argued his discipline was too harsh, but the end result was that the young ladies began to show respect for others and began to use what they had wisely. A few nights later Speaker Polley had almost a repeat dream except this time the girls were from Columbia and the Mexican girls were telling them "We hope you mess up and he'll let us watch when he disciplines you!" These girls weren't quite as difficult. The warnings of the two that came before made them start responding far sooner, and after a time they became very helpful young ladies. But everyone wondered why Speaker Polley did not use their money only to interest women. He said very simply "It isn't mine! As the years pass it will be passed out to my children, and their childrens' children, kept in trust so that none of them will be able to waste it." After a time the young women agreed with him totally. If only real life would go as effectively as dreams!


Is Hillary That Bad?

Many people cannot understand why God doesn't like Hillary Clinton. They think she's a wonderful person. Well, a while back God said "I don't want anybody negotiating with The Taliban! If they'll lay down their arms, come in, and those who have committed atrocities to my daughters face their just punishment I will be merciful to their families. But if they won't they need to be hunted down and destroyed. I will not tolerate men punishing my daughters because they want to go to school, beheading them and throwing acid on them. These things will not be excused! They will not be accepted!" Hillary Clinton's philosophy is "Let them do whatever they want as long as they don't bother us!" and God will never accept it, He'll never allow it. When girls are being raped, when they are being murdered, when they are being driven from their homes God will mark those that are doing it for destruction. And He will mark any that support them for destruction. Hillary Clinton supports evil, she allows evil for her own glorification, to be popular, so God will allow us to have nothing to do with her. That's God.

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