Below is a letter I sent to IFI. I am also sending it to other anti gay groups, asking them to do the same things mentioned in this letter. Help me combat the creatures of Darkness. Help me stay in the fight! Help us stop gay marriage in California and begin the end of the gay movement. We can succeed if we stand together!

God The Father

An Open Letter From God The Father
27-03-00 AJ

Have heard of the Day Of Silence For Homosexuality In Public Schools and I must tell you I absolutely oppose it! I have been writing to Governor Schwarzenegger of California and his wife asking Governor Schwarzenegger to invite me to California using the physical form of Speaker Gerald A. Polley so I could lead an anti gay march through San Francisco. We have now added anti marijuana to that effort. I would like to change the day of silence to A Day Of Outcry. I would like to have anti gay marches throughout The United States. This is exactly the type of thing we want to stop! The government endorsement of homosexuality must end!
I am asking women all over the country to send post cards to Gov. Schwarzenegger asking him to invite me to California so I may bring my power and glory. I am also asking Mrs. Schwarzenegger to become a temporary courier/protector to make the trip possible. My servant has very little financially because over the years him and his wife have spent all they had doing my work. So funds would be needed to make this trip possible. I am asking all the anti gay forces in The United States to make April 17 a Cry Out Day when they raise their voices against the homosexual movement. I would like to lead a march through the homosexuals' power base, San Francisco and challenge their leaders directly, telling all of them that their names are struck from The Book Of Life, they will never enter my Kingdom, and they face eternal death. I have been forbidden by the American government to do this. They threaten if I do they will arrest my servant and imprison him for threatening government officials. They say I cannot tell anyone that they will die forever if they do not obey me. Secret Service Agents have been in my servant's home threatening him. This cannot stand! The Catholics are complaining about Obama speaking at Notre Dame because he supports stem cell research. Their minds are so fogged with these false teachings that they are ignoring the real danger and the real enemy. Perhaps this is because so many of their priests are homosexuals. They have failed me. Other groups must not fail me.
I ask you to reach out to every other anti homosexual organization and beg of them to contact Gov. Schwarzenegger and ask him to invite me to California and raise the funds so I can come. He has the contacts, my servant has much to offer. We can be victorious if we stand together, if we raise up as one! They say I am dead, they say I accept homosexuality. All who truly believe know this is false and it must be fought! Come and join the battle! I will glorify those who will stand with me, and the fate of those that stand against me is well known. Do not be among them!

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All Now, And Forever


A Special Note To KFWB
From God The Father

I am appalled at the resistance of Save The Children to Madonna's attempts to adopt a little girl from an orphanage in Malawi where she has no chance of a decent life, and bringing her to The United States where she could have a good education and a chance for a decent life. Save The Children's comments smack of racism, the same ignorance that is used by racists in The United States to block adoptions between races. I salute Madonna for trying to make a better life for these children when she has the means to do so, when so many others simply throw their wealth away and do nothing for anyone. I hope the world comes to understand that some of the best organizations in the world have been infiltrated by people that have dark and sinister motives and want to keep these children in their own countries so they can be used for other purposes by the men running these organizations. I ask the world to look very carefully at the Save The Children operation in this country, and find out what the men in it are doing.

The Lord Of Hosts


No Butts!

Continuing from our little article ending the last page, isn't there any way that homosexuals can express that they feel joy in their relationships and think they're acceptable without sodomizing children, as we say? Can't they express their joy in some way and not have it be inappropriate? No! There is no way! If they say what they do is acceptable they are trying to convince children to do it and that is unacceptable. They can be allowed in no house with children expressing this view. They cannot tell young people that what they do is acceptable, because it is unacceptable! No matter how much they want it to be it cannot be! That's it! No ifs ands, or butts!

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