An Open Letter From God The Father
To The First Lady Of California, Maria Shriver Schwarzenegger
30-03-00 AJ

Back in 1997 when this nightmare began we sent out messages to people around the country and the world asking their assistance. We got back hateful messages from people calling us fools, insane, and lunatics. One particular minister we contacted said we were total fakes and knew nothing about Christianity. His name is number 17 on the list found on this page.
Let us just say that he has found out, much to his sorrow, that we were far from fakes, that we weren't insane, and we could do everything we said we could do. He has found the wages of sin. We find it strange that the most corrupt attack us the most viciously. But perhaps this is understandable. They are fakes, have no true belief, and are only in religion to make money and be glorified. They have no true purpose. So of course they think everybody else is the same as them. And they don't want to be told the truth because it will lose them money.
But my servant Demetrius is very stubborn. He never forgets an offense, he never forgets an enemy, and he exposes every bit of evil they do, everything he can until he finally brings them down. This poor soul never even made it into The Afterlife! The pain he had caused others consumed him in moments. He thought he was so powerful and he found his power was nothing. Sadly this will be the fate of many who are not truly religious but are only out to make a buck. They will find out the power of those that weild the truth, but of course they'll find it out far too late!
It is amazing, however, how some of the fakes just keep going and going. Of course everybody knows two of Demetrius' greatest enemies were Jim and Tammy Bakker. Their fiasco took away the financial support that was going to get The Spiritist Movement going. It was almost perfectly timed by the creatures of Darkness. So Demetrius has always had a very careful eye on them. Tammy is gone forever, Jim is still trying to maintain that he is a Godly man. Eventually again it will be proven that he is not. As I often say, Demetrius' patience is unquestioned. He does have eternity, and no matter how long the fakes keep going and keep making money sooner or later they die. They do not all suffer the second death, some of them fortunately, did not do too much harm. But because they reject my servants they never enter my Kingdoms. They never receive the rewards they think they're going to get, and they always say "But Lord, how was I to know?" and I answer "I told you, and my Angels told you, but you closed your hearts and you would not listen because it was not what you wanted to hear. Go away!" I cannot tell you how deep is their sorrow, how deep is their grief. Their arrogance sustained them in life, but for many it cannot sustain them in death. There is always the chance for them to repent, join the effort and be right with me. But there is little hope that any of them will. They will carry on their false teachings, make money, and die, most of them, forever. I can tell the world right now ask any minister if Demetrius and Alura are real, if they really are my voices, and if they say no, they do not know me, they are fakes, it's that simple. Any that claim to be my followers and deny my servants are not my followers, they only follow lust and greed. Any that speak against my causes are not of my house and will never enter into my Kingdoms nor, those that follow them. There is no alternative. If you reject the truth and follow falsity the only thing that awaits is eternal death. A wise man would sk his minister and find out if they are true or not. If they are not true they should leave his church. If they will not serve me, if they will not follow my voices they are extremely dangerous and are only leading their followers to eternal doom.
We are concerned about the attack on the nursing home in Carthage, North Carolina. It is another example of the creatures of Darkness going after our power centers. Fortunately this foul thing did very little damage. Those who are lost are doing fine. But it again shows the boldness of these foul creatures and that they will do anything to try to stop Us. This attack was senseless because We have so much power now We're simply having to let it dissipate. There are certain kinds We are short in; healing energy, mainly, because so many are sick right now. But this attack was senseless, only a pitiful show of resolve that they will still fight. It really makes no sense. But it is very rare that what creatures of Darkness do makes any sense anyway.
Again I ask for your husband's invitation. Our goal is the 17th of April. It would take us at least 7 days to prepare to make the journey. So we would need you here quite a bit before. We would still like to arrange to have someone in California come back and stay with us for a few days as another temporary protector. If we could get some support from The Pope that might be arranged. But you could not stay in our vicinity any more than two weeks without resting several months before serving as a protector again. Of course you could do other things. But you could not be a protector, you could not stay that close. The need of the permanent protectors is great. They are available. They have the power. And I am offering a great reward. But the male ego is interfering. They don't want young women giving this power and authority. They want it given to men. But men simply can't do it, it's physically impossible.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All Now, And, Forever

I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crises. The great point is to bring them the real facts.
( Abraham Lincoln )

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