An Official Document
From The Embassy Of The Kingdoms Of God
And The Grand Alliance
Given At Their Embassy
1013 1/2 N 3rd Street, Bismarck, North Dakota 58501
March 5, 2,009

A Brief From God The Father
To The Justices Of The California Supreme Court
Pertaining To The Matter Of Homosexual Marriage

First of all let me say that it is my fondest desire to deliver my objections on homosexuality to you, personally. I have requested of your good Governor, Mr. Schwarzenegger, that he arrange for me to make a personal visit to California and support those opposing gay marriage personally. But he has not replied, so I am presenting this brief that I will be sending to you by surface mail and also trying to reach the lawyers representing the anti gay effort and have it read at your proceedings, if one of you would not be so kind as to have it entered into the record on my behalf. But if you should encourage Governor Schwarzenegger to fulfill my wishes so that I could come and speak to you personally using the physical form of my beloved servant Speaker Gerald A. Polley I would be most appreciative. Let me begin by saying that Scripture clearly and without question teaches that I oppose homosexuality. Let me give you one verse that clearly states that I oppose all such abomination.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

This is only one of many and I do not want to cloud the issue by trying to bring forth every one of them. It is sufficient to say that any of my true servants know without doubt that I oppose homosexuality. Anyone that claims that he is one of my ministers and says I accept homosexuality is a creature of Darkness, a thing of profound evil. There is no question of this, there is no doubt of this. Any that support homosexuality will not enter my Kingdoms, there is no place prepared for them, they will not abide with me. Any that say homosexuality is acceptable are removed from The Book Of Life because they are destroying my children, leading them into a sickness that will destroy their souls forever. Therefore, homosexuality is forbidden.
As long as the homosexuals stay private, as long as they stay quiet they are a small problem, they harm only themselves and none others. Other than putting them out of my Kingdoms I do nothing else with them. Most give up their practices, choose to take a female partner and enter into The Kingdoms Of God. But when homosexuals go public, start demanding that their sickness be accepted, they become the enemy. They are being controlled by creatures of Darkness that are determined to destroy the human race, and they must be opposed! As far as I am concerned there should be no gay pride parades, no gay bars, no openly gay institutions whatsoever. This is totally unacceptable. And public marriage is an abomination, an insult to my perfection. For I created male and female and only when they join together do they become one true being, empowered to serve me, filled with my glory to fulfill their mission among mankind. Two persons of the same sex cannot receive my power. Instead they generate power that directly attacks me, power that has driven my Son, Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ, from Earth, that has caused Him to abandon mankind, and put my Kingdoms in absolute chaos. So you can understand my objections to homosexuality, and those who spread it.
Let me be absolutely clear! Homosexuality is not a race, it is an insanity, it is a mental disorder. It is not an ethnic creed, it is a filth. It is against everything that is natural, it is against everything that is good. Those involved in it would rather destroy the human race than turn from it. Their lust is so great that they will abandon all else for it, destroy all else to fulfill it. This is the worst type of insanity, this is the worst type of depravity. And many involved in this sickness are involved in other things, the homosexuality is ony a symptom of more serious problems. Its public acceptance is destroying the very fabric of society, and I oppose it bitterly. But all should understand this. I tolerate no unprovoked violence against any homosexual. The feeble minded should be protected. Yes, if a man is accosted on the street and the person offending him will not retreat, that person has a right to defend their honor and use whatever force is necessary to make that person depart. But under no circumstances may individuals go out and hunt homosexuals for the purpose of doing them physical harm. There should be legal systems for a person to call upon if a homosexual is bothering them that would see to it that that homosexual is arrested and imprisoned. That is my goal, to have such laws throughout The United States and the world.

( Cont'd Next Page )

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time,
but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.
( Abraham Lincoln )

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