An Open Letter From God The Father
To Pope Benedict XVI Of Rome
06-04-00 AJ

I had to speak to you this morning. I barely whispered. I said "End celibacy. Ordain Demetrius. Send a courier/protector. Finance her." But when I spoke you felt my voice. You felt the earth tremble beneath you. You felt my power. Many have been destroyed in their material form. Some I destroyed for their arrogance, others cried out to me, saying "God, Our Father, if you must destroy my flesh to manifest Your glory, take it. I give it to you willingly. I, myself, give you the power to take it. I return my soul to you so your will may be done."
The Islamic People are not the only ones that have those that will sacrifice themselves for my glory. There are those that will give up their material existence for me in Italy, as well, joyously, if my power must be shown. They are now safe with me in my Kingdoms and because they gave themselves wilingly for me to prove my glory, they have been allowed to join their loved ones in The Kingdom Of Jesus, which is otherwise sealed. But those who have perished in the material form so that you might understand how great is my anger, have been rewarded by being able to join those that wished so much to greet them. I grant this mercy because they willingly gave themselves to me that you might understand how great is my displeasure with you.
I would that all of them had safely joined me, but of course there are those among them that simply would not turn from their evil, would not give up their false traditions, would not obey me. Their fate is not the fate of those who have joined their loved ones. Their fate is eternal death. They have been destroyed forever. You know which are which. You know which ones are now joyous with me, and which ones are embers dying in the night.
I wish so much all that perish in their material form find eternal joy, but until you repent, until you hear me, until you give up the falsity that you cling to I will lose many because you do not love them, you despise them. You love your traditions. You cannot be a man. You cannot love a woman. You turn from my perfection and flee it in fear. You would rather destroy the entire world than learn to control your desires and fulfill them rightly.
I wish so much that I not have to speak to you again. I wish so much that you would choose a courier/protector, fund her, and send her to Demetrius, and make Demetrius a cardinal in the church with the special mission to remove all homosexuality from it. I desire that you take a wife and perform the duties of a husband, declaring an end to celibacy, and welcome back to the church all priests that could not live an unnatural life and took wives, all nuns that had to be mothers and fulfill my commandments. Welcome them back into my service and ordain them as priests. Let the people call them Our Mothers as they call the men their Fathers.
Do not let men say "Oh, this is merely a coincidence. Just because this person has been telling you that God is upset with you and there is an earthquake does not mean that God had anything to do with it." You heard my voice when the ground shook. You heard my words. "End celibacy, ordain Demetrius, Speaker Gerald Polley." You heard my voice.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

Another important matter. I sent a message to Kevin & Bean in Los Angeles asking them to tell The Schwarzeneggers that I wanted them to adopt this child. I would very much appreciate it if you would contact them and ask them to fulfil my wishes, to see to this child's safety, to give her a decent home where she may grow up with my power and glory surrounding her. This is very important and I ask your assistance on it. Demetrius must be able to hunt! He must be able to defend his children! It is paramount! The need for the courier/protectors is desperate. See to the safety of this child. She is important. We cannot afford to lose so many.

Greetings Guys!
Kevin & Bean, KROQ, Los Angeles CA
06-04-00 AJ

Here's our latest to Mrs. Schwarzenegger. Didn't have time to cover something very important. I would like the Schwarzeneggers to try to gain custody of the daughter of Susan Johnson who she attacked in Gardner, Mass. Thursday, and raise her. This is another example of the creatures of Darkness trying to destroy another of Demetrius' future workers. If The Schwarzeneggers were to take her and raise her she should eventually fulfill her mission. But if she remains in her mother's custody her safety is in serious doubt. If you could tell your listeners that this is my desire I would appreciate it. Then the message would get to The Schwarzeneggers and my emails would not have to be so long, even if you called them privately and told them you got this message from me and you would appreciate them considering it. Unfortunately until Demetrius is established in Washington DC with the courier/protectors he could not take on such a responsibility. Immediate action is needed. This child needs to know that she will be protected so her power will not turn in dark directions because she feels the world has abandoned her.

God The Father

( See Page 13 For Letter )


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