I am still trying to arrange with Governor Schwarzenegger, of California to march through San Francisco April 17th. I ask the governor of Vermont to rally as many anti gay people as he can muster and ask Gov. Schwarzenegger to invite me, and if he may join the march. I also ask that while this march is taking place, Vermont shut down all its schools and have marches in every major city crying "No gay! No way!" For I make you a prophecy as The Lord Of Hosts. I will tell you an absolute truth, something that is unquestioned, without doubt. If you do not stop the homosexual movement now, the day will come in a very few years, when they will be knocking on your door and saying "Your son is twelve years old. It's time for his sexual education. A man is waiting to educate him. He must go with us now. It is the law! If you object you will be arrested and imprisoned. This is for your child's own good so he can find his sexuality." Do not laugh, do not say that this is impossible. If you permit this to continue it is the only place where what is now happening will lead. Do not let them deceive you! Their goal is to have every young boy in the world surrendered to them, to sodomize every young man on Earth. You must stop them now or this will happen. The day will come when parents will not be able to protect their sons, when the law will make them give them to homosexuals, and the human race will be destroyed. It will wither and die.

There is no alternative. If you say compromise, if you say "Be kind!" you will destroy your children, you will destroy your grandchildren. You will make the Earth a withered wasteland. Unless you join me now it will come, there is no doubt. Because of sexual perversion Jesus Of Nazareth has abandoned mankind. Because of the abuse of women Muhammed has abandoned mankind, because people close their eyes, plug their ears and will not see what is happening and are letting their children be destroyed. So I must take desperate action. I must call for nonviolent protest. And there is something I must warn everyone of. Do not let the anti abortion people try to steal this effort. Try to add their sickness to it. I will not allow it. Their blasphemy cost Us the last election. They would not support my candidate because he spoke the truth, that I do not forbid abortion, that it is between me and the woman having it, and no one else. And no one else has the right to interfere! This effort is for one purpose, and for one purpose only, to stop the homosexual movement that is destroying mankind.

I ask the people of Vermont to join me. I ask them to rise up before it is too late, before so many of their children's souls are destroyed that life on Earth begins to die. Join me the 17th! Have your governor join me. Help me say "No! No way!" These people are not of me, they are speaking blasphemy, what they want will not be allowed. There will never, ever be a lesbian or a homosexual in The Kingdoms Of God. They will never be permitted in. Their unions are abominations and will never be accepted. They will be cast out and destroyed forever along with those performing the unions and those supporting them. This is my Decree, and it is a Decree that stands forever.

This is my Declaration. This is what I am asking the people of Vermont as The Lord Of Hosts. And I am also asking for the support of Christians in surrounding states, and even far away states, to help the good people of Vermont break the dark creatures' power, break the power of those that would destroy their children. Do not forsake me! Do not forsake them! Rise up in every church and say "God has not declared war on us, for we stand with Him! We join the strike! We will cripple this state! We will not support it until these creatures of Darkness are removed from our legislature and decency is taught to our children. Male and female only, nothing else, nothing else ever!" This is the cry I want from every congregation throughout Vermont. Rally to God!

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

Signed By Speaker Gerald A. Polley
As God's Official Representative On Earth

___________S.L. Gerald A. Polley__________

Does He Allow Free Speech?

In the dreams we have been talking about people complain that Speaker Polley does not allow free speech, that people cannot express certain opinions in his presence and remain in his presence. Is this true in real life? Absolutely! If you enter The Speaker's house it is without question there are certain things you do not support. Homosexuality, racism, dishonesty, drugs, anyone encouraging young people to take part in anything in these lines would immediately be put out of The Speaker's house, especially if there were young people present. Anti semitism is not allowed. Anyone who attacks The People Of Israel, God's chosen race, would be put out of The Speaker's house without question, immediately! Any teaching of hate, because someone is of a different religion is forbidden, even encouraging violance against satanists is forbidden. Exposing any evil they are doing, and bringing them to justice is acceptable. But violence against them without just cause is forbidden. Spiritist teaching is simple. You may defend yourself. You may use whatever force is necessary to render an enemy incapable of harming you, but once they are incapable of harming you you have no right to abuse them. That is The Children's Way.

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