There is still time to bring me to California, to rally the anti gay forces. This dear child begs of you to protect other young women, and not let them suffer her fate because the public accepts this insanity and closes their eyes to what these women are doing, because others knew, but they didn't believe any harm was being done, so they said nothing, and now this innocent child has been murdered.
But I am well pleased with her character. For she desires mercy for the person that hurt her, and she desires that you tell the world that if this woman will tell the truth, will tell everything that was going on, and will tell who knew of it and did nothing, she will pardon her and give her eternal life. She will not put her pain upon her and destroy her forever. And neither will the other young women that she has hurt. She will show mercy. I cannot demand of her that she does this, destroying this foul creature is her right. She would rather give her an opportunity for eternal life. However, if she does not cooperate, if she does not tell the truth and reveal the Darkness that was around her, then there is nothing that this dear child can do but put the full pain and anguish that she has suffered on this individual and destroy her forever. So this one should accept the mercy that is offered her, send away her lawyers, simply tell everything and ask the court for mercy and spend the rest of her life isolated from other women and children, but surviving.
We have had a small victory! We wanted the death penalty in the Caylee Anthony case. We wanted to put more pressure on her mother to fulfill Caylee's wishes, speak the truth to save her immortal soul. Now the state is fulfilling Our wishes and says that they will seak the death penalty. In that case also We are willing to be merciful. If this individual will give the truth, expose the shame that she was living in, she, too can have eternal life. This is the power of truth. This is what truth can do.
Speaking of truth, here's a strange bit of it. The priest that was destroyed attacking my servants wasn't completely destroyed. A fragment of him still exists and if Demetrius could get a Catholic protector for even a few days he could put that fragment into an unborn child and the priest would survive. He would be reborn and have a good life, and then eternal life. But Demetrius can do nothing without a courier/protector from the Catholic people.
We wish so much somebody could find a young nun between 18 and 20, put her on a plane, and have her arrive in North Dakota today, and join with Demetrius tonight so this soul could be saved. Even though it was an enemy every soul We lose is a danger, every one that We can save a delight. Do you have any Catholic friends that you could tell how important this is, and you could assure them that if they go to Demetrius maidens they will return from him in the same state. The only difference will be they will be filled with my power and glory that they can bring back to you so you may serve me even better.
Many women are crying to you in The Afterlife to fulfill my wishes to be my glory, to rock the world. Many men, also, desire to give you their support, to stand beside you in battle. You will not be alone. My power and glory will bring the greatest of my servants to you. I especially desire that you call former first lady Lura Bush and beg her to join the march, and to join my campaign. There is still time to call the governors from other states where homosexuality is destroying their culture, and ask them to come and march with us. It would be difficult but there is still time. Your power would make it possible. All your husband has to do is say "I am inviting God to come to California in the physical form of Speaker Gerald Polley and have Him march through San Francisco confronting the homosexual movement head on, and I will march with him, standing for His glory, protecting His truths, glorifying His perfection." This is what your husband needs to do, and We can so cripple this enemy that those that support them will weep and wail and cry "God has forsaken us! What hope do we have?" This is what must be. This is what will eventually come, and you should lead the way.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

15-04-00 AJ
To Kevin, Bean & Alex, KROQ Los Angeles, CA

I know, Kevin, too long! But there's just so many things we've gotta talk about. Like I say read a paragraph to a time, a section to a time. Digest that then go on to the next one. Everything is so important. It is really important that We know that Mrs. Schwarzenegger got today's message because of the time problem. Very many people are depending on her power, and she's starting to tap into the power that you guys generate. As she gets working Demetrius will probably give it over to her, entirely. But here's what we could use today. If you could call the governor's office and tell them "Look, we know Mrs. Schwarzenegger is being asked by God to go to go to North Dakota and bring Speakers Gerald & Linda Polley to San Francisco so God can use Speaker Polley's body to challenge the homosexuals. We think she ought to do this. And KROQ offers to pay her and The Polleys' air fare out and back." I think this would be a gesture that would definitely join your powers. And again, if the owners of your station agree, I will reward them. There is no question of that. Linda will be listening after 9. She would like very much to hear you saying this. Even if you can't get ahold of the governor's office immediately tell people you're making the call, making the offer. It will give Us power. We wish We would be able to stay a few days, that we could've got this thing going far sooner. But it will simply be too much of a strain unless We could get additional back up. And of course the oldest problem of all, funding. But if you could do this you would rock the world! If you could get Mrs. Schwarzenegger to come and take my power you would ensure a glorious future for California, a glorious future for the world. And actually, in time even the homosexuals will thank you, for they'll still be breathing and some of them will actually be going to the stars.

God The Father

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