who will walk away at the slightest discomfort. My true servants will stand by me no matter how difficult it is. That is why they are glorified, that is why they are empowered. While others run and hide they stand boldly. That is why you will be glorified for standing with me.
Again I ask you get to the air port, get to North Dakota! Tell your husband "I'm marching with God! I'm bringing Him to San Francisco! If you won't invite Him I will and I'll march with Him. But I want you there because you are my strength and my glory. And I want you to stand beside me with God." We can still have Our hour. Oh! Here's the link I sent to your husband yesterday. We have a martyr, we have a child that will become a saint because she rejected evil and was destroyed rather than willingly submit to it. It has been proven that lesbianism is not a matter of consenting adults. What these foul creatures will do has been shown without question. But this child is calling upon you to save the one that offended her, to reach her and tell her that she must make complete confession, and tell the truth so that she will not have to destroy her. Again, there is someone whose salvation depends on you.

( See page 35 )

Has anybody besides me noticed that this woman in California resembles the one in Florida that killed her daughter? It is almost like they are sisters.
I will continue to tell the world the power you possess, what I have promised you. I will not go away. Someone once said I am the most persistant pest that has ever existed, and I simply will not leave someone alone until they fulfill the glory that I intend for them. I believe that was a gentleman named Jonah. But whoever it was, the statement is absolutely true! Once somebody promises me something I will keep at them until they fulfill it. You came to me and said "The one I love is returning to life, to again do Your glory, to be your mighty strength. I ask You to return to life with him and atone for what I did before. I promise you I will be Your servant in all matters, and whatever You ask of me I will do without question." I said "Very well! I will hold you to your promise. I will give you power and glory that you will use in my service." I have fulfilled my bargain. Now I ask you to fulfill yours and be what I ask you to be. You can do it! The power is yours. You asked for it, it has been given to you. It was not intended that you would be in such a mess, but still the promise was made, the agreement signed, the covenant made. And I expect the covenants made with me to be fulfilled. Bring me to California! Summon the people! March beside me!

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever


An Open Letter To Pope Benedict Of Rome
15-04-00 AJ

As you can see in this letter to Mrs. Schwarzenegger I am stating clearly what I intend to do. Your new servant in New York has no idea that he's right in my sights and I am out to destroy him and his whole congregation. Understand I will not back off unless I am appeased, unless I start getting results. I want Mrs. Schwarzenegger to come to North Dakota. I want her to take me to San Francisco. I want to challenge the homosexuals, and I want all the Catholics in The United States to support me or I will act! I want you to call Mrs. Schwarzenegger. I want you tell her you're coming, that you will march with us, and that she should fulfill her destiny. That she should take the power that I offer. And I want you to tell the world that you are beginning the process of making this young martyr a saint, this girl who said no, who refused to take part in evil and was going to expose it to the world. Make the world understand it's not consenting adults. Let's fix the church. Let's fix Catholicism. Let's make it better so I don't have to attack, so its people are with me, so I will not have to destroy it. Come to The United States, make Speaker Polley a cardinal because of his long service to me. Make his wife a bishop. End celibacy by taking a wife and declaring yourself a man who will follow my commands. Stand boldly against those who would destroy your church and we can take you to the stars! Come to me! Tell the world you believe in me. Tell the world you will stand with me, and that you are sorry that you have not done so sooner. Do my will. Be a man among men, not a puppet of evil. Come to me!

God The Father


Taliban Homeland

We've been asked where God is trying to make a separate homeland for The Palestinians isn't there any possibility He could allow Pakistan to let The Taliban have this territory in the tribal zone and live according to their way? Absolutely not! Not a prayer! The Taliban's abuse of women simply will never be accepted! God will not have His daughters treated in this manner. Anybody that approves of it He will destroy! It is simply unthinkable. It is believed eventually The Palestians can be reasoned with, if they have their own homeland they will end their aggression against Israel. But The Taliban are fanatics. They do not believe in Islam, they believe in oppression, they believe in uncontrolled male dominance and the absolute subjection of women, that women are only good for one thing. Their ideas are remnants from the old Godden Empire, and simply can't be accepted.

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