To The Media

The struggle at the G20 Summit continues. The spiritual battles are horrendous! But a quick victory can be won. The solution is below.

An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald A. Polley
To Maria Shriver Schwarzenegger, First Lady Of California
02-04-00 AJ

I cannot tell you how terrified the creatures of Darkness are of your power, of the power that God wants to give you. The terrible spiritual battles occuring at the G20 Summit are occuring for one reason, they're trying to stop God's trip to California, they're trying to keep Him from marching through San Francisco and directly challenging homosexual marriage. They want to keep Him from condemning those spreading it. There's some really bad things concerned with it so we've prepared a web page explaining it. Here's the link.

( See Page 4 Of This Issue.)

We need to get a message to each of these cities telling them that they're being used to fight God, that the creatures of Darkness among them are empowering those directly battling Him. But we don't have the resources. If you've got a volunteer that has some time we'd appreciate the help.
Had a great interview with Kevin & Bean at KROQ yesterday. When we mentioned that God wants to give you power equal to His own if you help us, the public seemed to like it! We got a tremendous surge of spiritual energy, which is handy right now. Though we didn't get the surge we normally get with an interview this is probably because We're saturated and it automatically cut back until We needed it.
There have been a few small spiritual skirmishes around Los Angeles, very minor things, just the local creatures of Darkness trying to keep us home. Thank goodness The King Of Saudi Arabia went to the G20 Summit! If We had not had his power in the area we would've been hurting! We were expecting something like this but nothing of this magnatude!
It was so bad last night that the men weren't getting a break at all, so God The Mother gathered all the ladies, brought them to London and they held the ground for three hours so the men could fall back and rest. Surprisingly thusfar, We have had only very minor wounds, just scratches, and it has cost the creatures of Darkness dearly to inflict them. They have not been using the spiritual javelines that have inflicted so much damage on Us in previous battles. We have no idea why. We're all hoping they may have lost the ability to generate them. Though we have been prepared to defend against them We haven't had to.
But there is one way you can end this battle immediately. Have your husband call a news conference and have him tell everyone he's inviting God to California, paying for the trip with his personal funds, no tax money will be spent, and he will be marching with God through San Francisco on April 17th condemning those spreading homosexual marriage and marijuana. That will crush the creatures of Darkness, that will instantaneously defeat them. If at the same news conference you announce you're heading to North Dakota to be a temporary spiritual protector so you can bring God to California with all His power and glory, that would be their death knell. They would know that their movement is finished, that the tide has risen as far as it will go and it is now falling back into the sea. You can give Us instantaneous victory! Though the struggle will still go on we will be constantly winning and their power will be ebbing away. That's all it will take, those few simple words, and the existence of mankind will be assured. And I swear to you God will fulfill every promise that He has made to you. He will give you power beyond your imagination.
Well, our dear friend Kevin keeps complaining we make these emails too long, so I'd better stop. But do give them a call! Tell them people gotta stop laughing because you're a servant of God and you're going to do His will. You might not like it sometimes, you'd rather be doing other things, but you're gonna save His children! You can't imagine how good that's going to feel! There's no greater joy than standing with God. I speak from experience.

He Who Serves Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever


Powerful Dirt

Here's one of those cute little things around Demetrius and Alura. When Demetrius moved into Our headquarters in North Dakota he brought some jar lids from work to use as coasters on some of the chairs to protect the carpets. Now those lids are plastic. They can't hold psychic energy. But over the years they've got quite dirty, there's dirt in them. That dirt CAN hold psychic energy, and as a matter of fact holds quite a bit of it. These lids could be spiritual artifacts. Some church might take one. But can you imagine if in some future time some misunderstanding person seeing the display goes, "Oh, this thing is dirty! I'll wash it and make it much more presentable!" and when they wash the dirt out of the lid they would wash away the psychic power in it. The artifiact would become totally powerless. Some people simply don't understand these things. They say "Well, why can't plastic hold spiritual energy?" That's one of those unanswerable questions, We don't know. But something in the processing of the plastic makes it an unnatural substance that will not hold spiritual energy. If it combined with the tinest bit of metal it will hold tremendous amounts. But plastic by itself is inert, absolutely powerless. That's just the way things are!

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