An Official Decree From God The Father
Issued At The Embassy Of The Kingdoms Of God
1013 1/2 N 3rd Street, Bismarck, North Dakota 58501
19-04-00 AJ

Be it known to all that Elgard Odinson, Lord Odin's representative on Earth, has presented to me a petition concerning Allen Bennett, openly gay president of The Board of Rabbis of Northern California, stating that this individual is a false teacher, claiming to represent me, but is actually a priest of Baal sodomizing my children and destroying their souls, that he is in truth a creature of Darkness, a thing of profound evil that is destroying many. Elgard requests of me that I remove this person's name from The Book Of Life and warn all of The Children Of Israel that they should separate themselves from these false congregations and condemn them and forbid any of their children from associating with them. I salute Elgard for bringing this matter to my attention, and I fulfill his request exactly.
I do hereby declare that this foul creature is indeed a demon, a creature of Darkness, and a priest of Baal, for he is teaching young men to wed men and young women to wed women, an abomination unacceptable to the people of Israel. Therefore I strike his name from The Book Of Life and the names of every individual who belongs to these synagogues of damnation that he leads. However, being a merciful God I will restore any individuals that leaves these congregations and joins righteous congregations that oppose the ways of Baal and do not support the marriage of men to men and women to women. If they join me in righteousness they will be accepted by the Patriarch of their tribe and admitted into The Kingdom Of Israel. But any that continue to follow this priest of Baal, the people of Israel's mortal enemies, shall not be accepted and shall not dwell with their brethren. There shall be no place for them in my Kingdoms. Only the righteous may enter my Kingdoms.
My teaching is clear and beyond question. Moses gave the people of Israel the Laws and one of those Laws clearly states "Honor thy father and thy mother." It does not say honor your father and your father, or, your mother and your mother. It says clearly, "Honor your father and your mother." That is all there is. It is my Law and there is nothing else! Any that proclaim that anything else is acceptable is not of my house, is a creature of Darkness and a worshipper of Baal. Put them out! Put them out immediately and be pure! Those who will not, those who say "I will be kind to those that are different, that desire different things," will be cast out of my Kingdoms, will be destroyed forever. I try to establish another Kingdom that may yet give them eternal life, but I will be done with them. If they defy my Law, if they stand against me I will cast them out to eternal death. The good must be separated from the evil. Those who would destroy their children for pleasure must be stopped!
So I make this Decree. All the world has a choice. You are either with me, or you are against me, there is nothing else. Those who support sodomy, those who support homosexuality and lesbianism are against me. They are priests of Baal. I hope to have a list soon of those that stand against me and those that are with me, those who support my Laws and those who condemn them that I can direct people to so they may quickly know who is with me, who will enter my Kingdoms, and who is not, so they may know who to support and who to condemn.
There is no time for kindness, there is no time for middle ground. This is a fight for the very survival of Our children. Therefore those who stand against Us must be condemned and sent to the reward that they deserve. Though I will do all in my power to give them a chance to repent, though I will try to give them saviors, I can no longer abide them, I can no longer accept them. I must cast them out! And with this Decree I cast out this one and all associated with him, all that belong to the organizations that he supports. Those who come to listen to him speak are damned, without question, without doubt. Everyone that says he is right, he is of God speaks blasphemy and will be destroyed forever. For I will tell you there is a second law they defile. For I have told all men not to covet thy neighbor's wives and it shall also be said that no man may covet his neighbor's husband, shall seek to lead him into abomination and destroy his relationship with his wife. Any man that does so shall be destroyed forever! Any man that says "It is acceptable to God that you have pleasure with me also!" shall know damnation and eternal death. This is my decree without question.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And Forever, And Is The Lord Of Hosts

Signed By Speaker Gerald A. Polley, God's Only True Voice On Earth

____________S.L. Gerald A. Polley________

Why In The North?

Now here's another one of those silly questions. Someone asked "Is it my imagination or does there tend to be more homosexuality in northern latitudes than in southern areas?" Well, it's not really that silly a question. Nobody quite knows why but it has been noticed that there is a higher percentage of homosexuality in colder climates. Now, some experts may disagree with Us on this but The Kingdoms Of God have observed it for a very long time, and knows it is true. Some blame it on the desire to get warm, but We really don't think that's it. It's probably just that there happens to be more people with that tendecy in the colder regions.

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