To The Media

I would like to have this commercial about my visit to California played on TV stations around the world so everyone will know my purpose. If you could find sponsors I'd appreciate it and if you could dub in your local language or put in subtitles I would be very grateful. God The Father

An Open Letter From God The Father
To Maria Shriver Schwarzenegger, First Lady Of California
27-04-00 AJ

We were speaking yesterday of David Duke and his correspondence with Demetrius. It is sad that that correspondence was lost. In one of Demetrius' many moves he was loading a UHaul. He brought down some boxes in which some important documents had been stored and put them on the back of the truck, went back upstairs for more belongings. When he came back down one of the boxes containing the documents was gone! No one could be seen anywhere around. Not only did that box contain the letters from Duke, but the letters from The Polleys' friends who committed suicide with the creature of Darkness at Heaven's Gate, and some other very important historical documents. If some government agency somewhere still has that correspondence I would apreciate it being returned! If it's just left at the top of our steps some afternoon all will be forgiven, and no questions will be asked. But I would appreciate it being returned as it is a part of Our history.
Now, John Lennon has asked us to give you a link to his song "200 'Gainst 3,000." We got around to writing the story that this song goes with and it has been very popular on line. It was John's Christmas present to the world in 2,008.
John would like very much to have it made into a movie, and have his friend Chris who did the version of "Whacko The Clown" that is so beloved, do the theme song for the movie. John thinks this would be a great work, and give us much publicity. Remember, when I come to Hollywood I would also like to make some effort to reach Yoko Ono and have her accept his apostleship and join him as the co ruler of The Kingdoms of God, which I would approve of if she was to help Us. John will not take the job unless she is with him. So it is something We are all seeking. It would be part of the miracle of my coming to California.
Got a message from Paul Duckworth at WMAL, Washington, D.C., to be removed from our mailing list. Of course he has been, and, from The Book Of Life as well with everybody associated with him. Somebody else you may have to find a place for. But their station is obviously controlled by the homosexuals. I have instructed Demetrius that as We conduct Our presidential campaign and when he is in The White House, no reporters of the network associated with this station shall be permitted at any functions. We reject those that reject Us, it's that simple. They don't want my messages they don't get anything from me, or, my servants forever. We believe this station is part of the Mediaspan Network. So we would appreciate it that you have nothing to do with any station belonging to this network in California until such time as the owners of their network tell the station in Washington DC "You do not refuse messages from God! Are you nuts?" And that is precisely what I want them to say! Then, if we start to get some support I may be kind and restore most of them to The Book Of Life. But those who refuse me shall not enter my Kingdoms! They are responsible for the people they have working for them. And if those people reject me, I reject them, that is my right!
Here's something We did back with the old Presidential campaign. Might be still of use to Us today! But it gives the idea, anyway.
Put together a little 30 second spot about desiring to visit California. Would like to get it played on TV stations throughout California. Do you know anybody that will sponsor it? Here's the link.

Believe it or not I can handle this equipment better than Demetrius! So could my Son, which drives Demetrius to utter frustrations! It must be hard sometimes. He has so many talents himself but We overshadow him so often and they're not recognized. That's why We'd like to get as much of his own work out to the public as much as possible, not only to raise funds, but so they understand his character.
Some people are very angry with me because some students have gotten the swine flu at a Catholic hgh school in Brooklyn, New York and they believe I am responsible because I have stated that I will destroy the diocese of New York. I tell the world I am not responsible for these young people being sick, their parents are. They allowed their children to partake of sin. They allowed them to go to Babylon, Cancun, Mexico and take part in the debauchery that happens there during spring break. These parents knew full well how dangerous this place was and what their children engage in when they go there. But they would not deny their children's wishes and they allowed them to go to this place of evil, they paid the price. The children brought back the sin in that place and infected their brothers and sisters, their friends and neighbors. When parents allow their children to disobey my laws and engage in sexual activity outside of marriage, bring sickness back into their homes to infect their brothers, sisters and even their parents, I am not to blame. I have taught them moral behavior. I have repeatedly instructed them not to go to places of sin. When I am disobeyed those who disobey me pay the price. If these parents had obeyed me, taught their

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