A Note From Speaker Gerald A. Polley
To Pope Benedict XVI Of Rome
03-04-00 AJ

Below is a message God The Father has sent to Mrs. Schwarzenegger and to the governor of Iowa. ( See Page 6 ) He asked me to inform you that He desires you to send a message to all Catholic churches in Iowa that they insist immediately that the Iowa legislature pass legislation amending the Iowa constitution to say that homosexuality is an insanity and the public teaching of its acceptance shall not be allowed in public or private schools that all open homosexual activity is to be banned and homosexual relationships forbidden, that marriage among them is never to be recognized because marriage is between a man and a woman and nothing else may be sanctified or blessed. It shall be the policy of The Catholic Church that any priest who should marry a man to a man or a woman to a woman shall be immediately and without question excommunicated from the church for committing blasphemy. This is what God desires that you do immediately and without question. He wants a clear and precise response from The Catholic Church. He wants you to order that any priests that support homosexual marriage or homosexuality in general be warned that this is against church policy and if they continue to spread its acceptance, excommunicate them, no question, no doubt. Anyone that says homosexuality is acceptable is out of the church. He wants a clear and precise declaration on this. And He wants you to ask, no not ask, he wants you to order the churches in Iowa to assist us in our efforts, to follow my instructions. He wants bishops and cardinals from Iowa to march with us through San Francisco, supporting God's right to speak and condemn. He still wants you, too. But He wants The Catholics in Iowa asking Governor Schwarzenegger to bring him there, to assist me. We must begin to turn this situation around! We are rapidly running out of time. We have all the power necessary to do it, we simply need people to respond. God wants you to lead that response.

He Who Serves Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

An Open Letter From God The Father
To Pope Benedict XVI
04-04-00 AJ

Again God The Mother is holding the line in the terrible spiritual battles around London so I may converse through Demetrius. We do not understand why the creatures of Darkness are still fighting Us. Obama has moved on. He is now in France. He has put on a great performance and accomplished virtually nothing. The NATO allies will not give any further assistance in Afghanistan, and Obama did not get the economic assistance he had hoped for. We have been highly successful despite the creatures of Darkness' onslaught. Our failure has been in The United States, in Iowa, where I have had to act bitterly. Below is a letter I sent to Mrs. Schwarzenegger describing some of the response that we have gotten. The member of one Catholic church has doomed his entire congregation. For I will not tolerate this behavior. I will not tolerate those that reject my messages. I have asked Mrs. Schwarzenegger to be a temporary courier/protector and try to reason with these people. But you are their over all leader. I instruct you to reason with them, to have an envoy contact them and instruct them to send a note of apology and never to deny my messages again. If they do not wish to follow them, if they wish to destroy themselves, all well and good. If they wish to destroy Catholicism that is their choice. But they are never to rebuke my messages again for the sake of the rest of the church. This is your duty. This is your responsibility. I wish those messages were being sent by a courier/protector that is on her way to join Demetrius and save her people. For she would be saving them by combatting ignorance such as this. You have duties as a steward of your church. You have been given authority by your people. You should take that authority and use it. You know your people have gone astray. You know they have fallen into unacceptable doctrines that must be removed for the sake of all, so that all of mankind will not perish. I instruct you to do your duty. I instruct you to fulfill my wishes. Contact these people, tell them that Demetrius, Speaker Gerald A. Polley, is a servant of God and no matter how unpleasant his messages are they are from me, and are to be obeyed, that you desire that they join the campaign to amend the Iowa constitution prohibiting homosexuality, that you wish the Catholic church to put its full support into this effort. This is not a request. It is an order that I give you according to my authority as The Lord Of Hosts. I desire that you obey me, and I desire that you obey me now!

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And Forever


Boys Are Hot

Talk about a bad dream! Speaker Polley had a nasty one the other night. He dreamed the courier/protectors had begun to show up and reporters were coming to interview them, and, The Speaker. One group seemed rather nice, then all of a sudden a reporter said "Well, these girls are sweet, but surely, Speaker, a man as intelligent as you knows that a nice hot boy is just as good as any girl." The Speaker told the guy to get out of his house. The man refused. He said "No! I can speak my opinion!" The Speaker told the protectors to open the doors and hold them open, and they went "Oh oh! Father's mad!" The Speaker then proceeded to grab the guy by the hair, drag him out of the house, throw him in the yard and remark "When you're told to leave, you leave!" Now that's dreaming!

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