I again ask you to go to them. I again ask you to bring the funds that Alura needs. Get her to the hospital. Make her better so that when I march through San Francisco and challenge the evil that is destroying my children using the physical form of one of my greatest heroes she can walk beside me with you on my other side, and your husband beside you. And We can tell the world "My children will not be destroyed! The creatures of Darkness will not devour them. The creatures of Darkness will be driven back into eternal night and Our children will be snatched from eternal night. We have beaten them back before, We will beat them back again. The priests of Baal will be vanquished, as they were vanquished by the Prophets of old. My servants will get what they need. They will be provided for, and those that oppose them will become penniless. It will happen. This is prophecy from The Lord Of Hosts, from The Father Of This World. It is prophecy and the people must understand that those that are with me will receive the rewards that I promise. But those that are against me will receive only eternal death and eternal night. So be with me, do not be against me. Demetrius and Alura do not ask charity. They have much to give in return. They could enrich all those that help them. The rewards are many and great. All the people of every nation have to do is take them and say "Thank you, God, for giving us these servants. We will treasure them. We will support them. We will raise your glory!" Demetrius has a gift for your husband, a marvelous story "The Return Of Dagos." It is a gift. Whatever he does with it is up to him. He should retrieve it, he should treasure it. He should find a producer and begin to gather the cast to make it into a movie. The public would love it! And it would make Demetrius known, as he should be.
Got to get back to work. Without Demetrius I have to go out into the field. I have to lead The Pakistanis against The Taliban. I have to bring in the spiritual warriors from all the rest of the world. We need a material army as well, but I do not want it to be Americans or Europeans. I want it to be Arabs. I want the other Arab nations to rise up, rally to The Pakistanis and crush The Taliban, and then help in Afghanistan. I want The Islamic People to bring down this evil, to crush it and show the world what Islam really is. But we are fighting without Our glory, without Our strength because Our greatest warrior is crippled, because men that want to put it in other men and in little boys have driven my son Jesus away, have said that they would not have Him if He denied them their lust. So We are fighting without Our greatest power, without Our greatest strength. But somehow We will restore that strength, somehow We will raise the people, We will make them believe. Hopefully it will not be too late. Again, this is prophecy from The Lord Of Hosts, from The Ruler Of Heaven who knows all things, the good, and, the bad.
Oh! The phone solicitors that are selling phony car warantees or extensions or whatever, I want them stopped! I don't want it to take a year to do it, I want the federal government to go in, shut them down, seize their resources, and pay back as many people as possible. Cons like this must not be allowed to go on so long. The response to them has to be quicker. These people have to be shut down sooner! It is taking too long for the authorities to react.
And speaking of authorities reacting, I want to see the judge in Saudi Arabia who said in the speech that men can beat their wives if they overspend removed! I want him out of office! I want him gone! These foolish men are humiliating Islam, are making the world believe it is a farse, that men in it only believe in what is between their legs, and the desires that that gives them. The place of women must be restored, and it must be restored now! As I say, judge Demetrius and Alura by their works, by what they support, and judge those that oppose them by what they say. This man opposes them, and he teaches wife abuse. He encourages men to beat their women. How can anyone think he is my servant? How can anyone believe anything so preposterous?
We have found some more treasures! The slips that Linda made to keep track of the "Here's Jesus!" episodes. She has signed each one and they will be put away, some day to be an icon in some church.
We are having another little problem about the courier/protectors. What furniture from the apartment each of them will get from their private rooms to give them power, and which computers they will get. It is without doubt that The Mormon should get the one we are using to send out these messages, and the Islamic one should get the one that needs to be repaired. There are just so many little problems that can only be solved with more people to work on them.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever


Praiseworthy, Indeed!

God The Father here! I keep telling people that it's very hard for Demetrius to work with me. The strain is almost twice as much as working with anybody else, and I really appreciate the tremendous effort he is putting forth during this emergency. But people ask "Why? What difference does it make?" Well, the truth of the matter is, Demetrius is not of this world. His physical form is only an illusion, a shell that he has put about himself. He is really an Angel from the far distant world of Haven. He has lived among my children for 500,000 years. But he has never really taken on a human persona. When he returns to The Afterlife he always returns to his Haven form. He can be any of his human incarnations, and sometimes he splits some of those existences off and they exist separately from him. They're called splinters. But because he's alien Demetrius and I don't match and every time I work through him I do damage to his physical form, which has been especially created to carry his essence. And that damage has to be repaired before I can work with him again. I should never work with him more than eight hours a day because he should have twice as long as I work to regenerate before I work again. To have someone that isn't even my own, to go to such trouble to take care of my children is to me glorifying.

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