To The Media

I am receiving more and more vindication every day. More and more it is being proven that I know what I am saying, and that I still have power. Spread the news! Be my glory! Share in the reward!

God The Father

An Open Letter From God The Father
To The First Lady Of California, Maria Shriver Schwarzenegger
14-05-00 AJ

I've got to tell you this morning one of those things that could only happen to Demetrius, Speaker Gerald A. Polley. He was trying to straighten up the mop room at work yesterday and rearrange stuff on the shelves. He straightened out one shelf then noticed there was another bottle of the stuff he was sorting on another shelf. He went down on the ladder, reached up for the bottle, lifted it off the shelf and the whole shelf came away from the wall and banged him in the face, dumping its contents on the floor. He got down off the ladder trying to regain his senses and three bottles of Soft Scrub that had fallen onto the other shelf rolled off and came down, banging him on the head! Sometimes as Linda says it's like a Three Stooges movie! But Demetrius doesn't find it humorous at all! He had to hurry home and get some pain pills. Fortunately there was no swelling and very, very light bruising. But he's still having a little blurry vision in his right eye and his neck, which is sensitive anyway, is very uncomfortable. But if there's something that's going to fall down or fall apart he'll find it! The creatures of Darkness lay ambushes everywhere! Here's another little good bit of news. Yahoo is making Geocities pay only. No more free web sites. Demetrius and Alura can't afford to pay for what they have there so Alura's going to have to move everything to Go Daddy, which she really doesn't have time to do, with everything else that needs to be done. But our Teaching pages are there, and they will have to be moved. Demetrius wants to get the premium service at Go Daddy which will give them unlimited bandwidth. But we're going to need a little bit more resources right now.
And Linda's heard a rumor that Twitter is going to a system where everybody will not be able to read your messages only the people you send them to, which a lot of people don't like. We're not quite sure on that, but we're trying to get it figured out.
Everybody's been trying to get Demetrius to do some art work, he hasn't done any for ages, especially Jackson Pollock. Demetrius tried to do a couple of things on the computer but he doesn't think they've come out too well. Alura put them up at the art gallery. You can check them out. But Demetrius is doing them on the computer and then making a single copy on the back of scrap paper, turning trash into art. We hope that if he gets the headquarters We want in Washington, he could have a little studio there, and continue to produce some of his work. I miss his paper machiet sculptures. It's a shame they were all destroyed. Too many moves. Anyway, here's the link.

Well, I see I have another victory! Shanna Moakler has left the Miss Universe pageant! She says she can no longer support it, that she must teach her children moral values. Moral values? Attacking young women that promote decency, trying to keep such young women out of the pageants? Teaching her children to hate those that have strong Biblical beliefs? Just what kind of moral values does this woman have? I see virtually none! I think she should really rethink what she supports. One of the prerequisites of these pageants is that these young women are supposed to engage in moral behavior. Carrie Prejean spoke the truth, that marriage is between a man and a woman, and this foul woman responded to her with hate and vile. This is the morals she wants to teach her children? I hope someone else is teaching them better morals. But I'm glad Mr. Trump is still with Us. I wish he had a publishing company! I'd really appreciate him buying somebody's works.
Speaking of buying somebody's works, I've got a legal question. What if Demetrius was running for president, had a book published and gave all the proceeds from it to the social security fund, then got some actors and a director to make it into a movie, had that movie shown in theaters throughout the world, and had all the profits go into the social security fund? Would that be legal? Could a presidential candidate do that? Could he encourage other writers to produce a book and have all the procedes from it go directly to the social security fund? And could he get legislation through congress making it illegal for any member of congress to even suggest raiding the social security fund for other purposes? I'm sure California must have someone that really knows the laws and could tell us rather such a project would be legal. I mean, it wouldn't solve the problem, but it should help. Would we be allowed to do it? Would you support such a project? Oh! More weirdness from yesterday. When Demetrius went to bed he felt something funny and discovered there was something stuck in his knee. He managed to work it out, but it was all crumbly. It disintegrated. Anyways, he hopes he got it all out. But he can't figure how it got through his pants and got into his knee! Sometimes the creatures of Darkness are really annoying!
I want to thank Mahmoud ElSohly for his article on CNN warning of the increased potency of marijuana and what it's doing to our youth. Again I am vindicated. What I say is proven. The danger of this drug is being made known. Sadly the addicts will not listen, but maybe some of those supporting them will.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And Forever

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