To The Media

I continue to call. I speak the truth. Man knows it is the truth but they do not want to hear. Those who do hear are going to be glorified and receive rewards beyond their imagination. Be among them. God The Father

An Open Letter From God The Father
To Maria Shriver Schwarzenegger, First Lady Of California
16-5-00 AJ

First of all today, I must praise the good Rev. Donald Cozzens for his teachings on celibacy. This is the single cause that has caused Pope Benedict XVI to separate himself from me forever because he will not give up this false teaching that is destroying so many in his priesthood. How a pagan teaching became so influential in the church We do not know. Well, actually, We do know, because certain early bishops desired that men seek relationships with other men and not women, and installed this rule to make it easier for them to persuade them to their evil. This was the whole purpose of celibacy and this is why it must end. The homosexuals of that era crippled the church and made it a thing of evil rather than an instrument of blessing. Here is a link to the article. I certainly hope The Pope will read it. I continue to call to him to appoint Speaker Polley a cardinal, the first married one. And I still ask Pope Benedict to take a wife. to end celibacy. If he will do this I will allow you to make a place for him in the Heaven that you will be building so he will have eternal life. People say these things are impossible, that they cannot happen. But I am The Lord Of Hosts. I say they can happen, and they will happen. Man can try to stop Us, but in the end We will prevail because the truth will out. Actually I wish you would sign my Covenant so there would be a possibility of redeeming Benedict. If he saw what We were accomplishing in The United States and knew Demetrius was truly my servant, he might well listen to his counsel before it is too late.
There is another one I wish very much that you could save, this foul lesbian that is attacking Miss California. How these foul creatures have gained so much power disturbs Us. But there is nothing that you can do for her. She has cut herself off from Us so much that there is only one who might have the power to give her eternal life. But she would never accept giving him dominion over her even to save those that she loves. The saddness of losing those that will not repent, that are so lost in their evil, is great to me. No one can understand the grief, the anguish I feel when one of my precious lights is extinguished in the Darkness, when they so separate themselves from me that there is no way I can help them. I am grateful that The Lord Of Haven created one that can save some of them, even if it means they must serve another Light, be given over to another power. As long as they have eternal life I am pleased. They are my seed, they are my children. To know that they will continue forever, even separate from me, is all that matters. I wish some of the young ladies that have taken part in these beauty pageants would come forward and tell what was required of them to take part. I believe it would make Mr. Trump take action against any other lesbians inolved in the pageants. They are being told they would be betraying those that nurtured them and gave them opportunities. But I say no! They would be exposing those that took advantage of them, that made them engage in evil to achieve their desires. Some day it will all be known, but rather it will be in time to save the human race is questionable.
I must take issue with Bart Ehrman who calls himself a Biblical scholar. He says he's not the anti-Christ, but he's coming very close to being a creature of Darkness by saying most of the New Testament is a fraud. The only part of the New Testament that is a fraud is The Book Of Revelation, which should be taken out of The Bible and thrown away. Its false teachings have caused so much evil. But actually, We are amazed that the entire Bible is so accurate. We will admit that some of the Testaments were not written by the people that they were supposed to have been written by, but the people that wrote them used every scrap of knowledge about that individual that they had, oftentimes interviewing people who had known Him or whose relatives have known Him and passed down what He said thorugh oral tradition. This is definitely not a fraud, but a legetimate attempt to write down what this individual had been teaching because they were often too busy to make a record themselves. The only thing that Demetrius does not like about Matthew, Mark, Luke and John is the authors removed all comments about him. Human jealousy sometimes amuses Us. That is why my Son insisted that Demetrius add his adventures to his people's History, which was graciously accepted. By no means is Demetrius rewriting The Bible, as some claim. His Work has nothing to do with The Scriptures, whatsoever. It is so my Son will have a place in his people's History. Here's a link to that work.
Without Demetrius there could've been no salvation. Without a proper priest to slay The Lamb Of God He could not have fulfilled His mission. So Christians should be ever grateful to Demetrius. They will be even more grateful if he can restore salvation. He began it. Perhaps it is only logical that he restore it.
There's a lot of talk about the bedbug problem. Demetrius' people had a natural predator that took care of this problem, which of course would be unavailable on Earth. But the Hashons had a simple solution, sticky traps that had a bait in them the bedbugs couldn't resist. There could be a dozen people sleeping in the bed and the bedbugs would go to the trap, enter it, and be stuck. The traps were used until no more bedbugs were found in them, and then they were thrown away. The bedbugs got stuck before they could breed and thus disappeared. I'm sure Earth scientists could come up with a similar device.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

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