An Official Document From
The Embassy Of The Kingdoms Of God And The Grand Alliance
10 13 1/2 N 3rd St., Bismarck, North Dakota, USA 58501
To The Ambassador Of Syria
At The Syrian Embassy 2215 Wyoming Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20008
19-05-00 AJ


Here is a paragraph from an email that God The Father recently sent to Maria Shriver Schwarzenegger, First Lady Of California, who He is asking to become one of His servants on Earth, offering her power and glory equal to His own if she will serve Him.
"We are so far behind! We need you so much as a courier/protector! I would tell you one of the first assignments I would give you. Demetrius wants to buy The Golan Heights from Syria, have them give the territory over to his people, have The Israelis administer it and provide security until the Hebrew protector finishes her mission and comes back to take over control of the territory, that it remain a protectorate of The Israelis but be governed by Spiritist Law. Of course Demetrius has no money. So he wants to offer The Syrians some things in exchange. First of all, the right to publish two of his books in Arabic and distribute them throughout the Muslim world, raising whatever profit they could from them, "The Book Of Muhammed" and the story of his life as a young Angel. He keeps offering these to different Islamic people and some day somebody's going to take them and make millions! If you were to throw in some offer yourself say, the Islamic rights to your memoirs, or something else that might profit The Syrians, it might be beneficial. But if you were a courier/protector and then Demetrius' campaign chairman, you could send an envoy to negotiate this arrangement. It would be The Children Of The Lords' first territory on Earth, the first place that their Awakening people could begin to gather together. I do believe these two books alone could bring in millions for the Syrian government and it would end a problem that has gone on for decades. The land would not actually be in the hands of The Israelis, it would be in the hands of The Children Of The Lords. Neither country would be able to use it for any military purpose over the other one. It would be a beneficial agreement for the entire world."
God desired that we send you an official copy of this proposal to be passed on to your President. God wishes to make other offers. But right now Our efforts are rather crippled because We are seeking courier/protectors from around the world that will enable me to use my powers. Here is a link to the site we have up containing all information we have on this project.
We are emailing The King Of Saudi Arabia almost daily asking him to join Our efforts, to have his son accept the covenant that God has offered him. I would appreciate it very much if you were to contact Mrs. Schwarzenegger and ask her to take the position of a courier/protector temporarily, and then become my campaign manager so that this proposal can officially be presented to you. God desires that this be arranged through her to show that she is beginning to use her power, and the authority that He has given her. Your encouraging her to take that authority so your country may benefit would be helpful to Us.
God is extremely grateful to most of The Islamic World. Time and time again their spiritual warriors have come to Our aid and helped Us defeat the creatures of Darkness. Despite the troubles it is having at this time, Islam is the greatest spiritual power on Earth as Christianity falters. The opportunity that The King Of Saudi Arabia has to have all of Christendom forever endebted to The Islamic People is an opportunity that The Islamic People should not miss. These are extremely troubling times. But true Islam is holding the world together as the fundamentalists try to destroy it. Your people's cooperation in this matter will glorify them and undoubtedly take them to the stars. As I say, if We have the Islamic courier/protector We can offer more. But until she is in place We can make no promises. Your encouragement to The King Of Saudi Arabia to have her take her mission and also receive power equal to that of God would be helpful to Us.
I would welcome the visit of any Syrian representatives but I must tell you that you must come in male and female pairs. Never send all male delegations. They will not be accepted. We can only deal with all of a society, not part of it. This is one of our fundamental beliefs, part of the Spiritist way. I have been asking The Saudi Arabian Embassy for the possibility of providing a temporary protector for a week or maybe two to help Us get my powers working again. If you have a young woman in your embassy between 18 and 20 that would consider volunteering do let me know. We are having some difficulties right now but to show the world that a young woman serving with Us would be treated with all dignity and respect is important.
I thank you for your time. And I hope that in some way We might be able to get this project going and begin to make a fundamental change in the world with The Islamic People leading the way.

He Who Serves Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever
And Who He Recognizes As His Only True Voice On Earth
S.L. Gerald A. Polley

________________S.L. Gerald A. Polley________________

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