Greetings Governor Schwarzenegger, The Media And Clergy Of California!

I put this proposition before you. I ask you, Governor Schwarzenegger, to rally the people and get it on the ballot. I would like before the vote, to have you invite me to California so I can personally empower those circulating the petitions and ask the people to support them, using the physical form of my good friend and servant, Speaker Gerald A. Polley. I again ask your good wife to be a temporary courier/protector to allow me to complete this task. This battle is not complete. It is not finished. As long as these false marriages stand there is still danger that the feeble minded can take away our victory. We must not let them do that. I am directly asking for your support. And I am letting the clergy of California know by sending them copies of this message that I have asked you to assist me and get this initiative on the ballot. I certainly hope that you will do so. This effort is part of Speaker Gerald Polley's ongoing campaign for The Presidency. Continuing the battle against this evil is intended to show the people the kind of President that he would be. It is still my desire that if he wins The Presidency you be his secretary of defense. Helping us win this battle would show your worthiness.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

A hard copy of this was also sent to The Chief Justice of The California Supreme Court, asking him to write the proposition so it would be challenge proof. The public should encourage him to fulfill God's wishes.

An Official Document Of The Embassy Of The Kingdoms Of God
1013 1/2 N 3rd St., Bismarck, North Dakota 58501
Proposition 0
Put Forth By God The Father
To The Voters Of California
26-05-00 AJ

Be it known that I am pleased with the people of California that they rose up against the homosexual community and declared that marriage is between a man and a woman, forbidding same sex union. I was displeased that the legislature tried to reject the people's will, and the Justices of The California Supreme Court had to uphold their rights. I am pleased that the Judges in a majority supported my truth. I am sad that one has rejected me and will never enter into my Kingdoms. But I am displeased that they allow the homosexual marriages that have already taken place to stand. I cannot accept this. So I am asking that this initiative be put on the ballot in the first available election.
Be it known where the people of California have clearly said that marriage is between a man and a woman, that nothing else is acceptable, that the courts have confirmed this vote, but not annulled the marriages that took place before the vote, that the people of Callifornia now vote that all marriages between people of the same sex that occurred before the people outlawed such unions must be annulled. It must be declared that legally these marriages never took place, that no union between these couples exists. They may be granted no rights or priviledges that people that have joined in holy matrimony enjoy. This must be clearly the law of California.
Also, it shall be confirmed with this vote that California shall recognize no marriages between same gender couples conducted in any other state or country are legal. Any persons of the same gender who have been married in other states or countries and enter California shall not be considered married, and have no rights and privileges given to those in legal matrimony. That the people of California confirm absolutely, that marriage is between a man and a woman. No so-called civil unions shall be recognized, which is simply another name for marriage. Such political trickery to give these derranged people their way will not be accepted. The people of California have declared that marriage is between a man and a woman and nothing else will be accepted. Any abominations that have been committed before the people of California voted will not be recognized. I ask that this initiative be put on the ballot and that the people of California vote on it. That the people of California be aware that the initiative came from me, that it was put forth by The Lord Of Hosts who is asking for the people's support of His Truths.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

Given By Speaker Gerald A. Polley, God's Only True Voice On Earth

_________________S.L. Gerald A. Polley_____________________


God is constantly asked does He really expect anyone to pay any attention to His petitions? He most certainly does! He is The Lord Of Hosts, The Ruler Of Earth. If people want eternal life they'd better pay attention to His petitions! Those who ignore His true servants wish very much they hadn't. Then people ask "But how do we know who is true and who is not?" And God answers "It's very simple! If somebody is telling you to break all my laws, that they don't matter any more, then you can be pretty sure that they're not working for me. The ones that are saying "Obey God," are. Simplicity, simplicty!"

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