07-06-00 AJ
Greetings Guys! To Kevin & Bean, KROQ In Los Angeles

Could really use some help getting Kurt's song to somebody in North Korea, but would accept a deal with an American artist too. Know of anybody that would like to help promote peaceful relations with North Korea? Ought to be somebody in Los Angeles! God also wanted me to mention that just as soon as we have funds available He wants me to set up a trust fund for each of you guys. You have certainly earned them, Jimmy Kimmel, too and his original staff members that worked with us. They're simply debts that have to be paid! So if you could help us find a t shirt manufacturer you'd get ten per cent of each design you sell and probably before you know it, that trust fund will be substantial. Some Korean might even want to make a t shirt out of the Republic flag! Many Koreans might want to push this idea of unity, of three Koreas yet bound into one, respecting each other and enriching each other. Would be nice! Maybe this is how we can keep the social security system going, having so many people living off our trust funds they won't need to draw social security and the fund will be solvent. It's an idea! Spiritual pension funds. God taking care of His people. I like that!

Speaker Gerald A. Polley


An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald A. Polley
To Pope Benedict Of Rome
06-07-00 AJ

Again I cannot tell you how important your assistance is! Italy is a maritime nation. If they would support this effort of North Korea building a fleet of ships, clean the ocean, it would be of tremendous benefit to Us! If they could get other nations to come on board and support this project We might actually get it going! And by helping these people economicaly and benefitting the world at the same time, we will show what can be done. The idea of getting these reporters released is very important to all. You can see the benefit of many of the projects that we want. And you know you should be supporting them. Having your protector here already and the project going would show the world that it is vital. We need the authority of The Church behind Us, God wants it. When I am asked who supports me He wants me to be able to say "The Church Of Rome. You got a problem with that?" He wants that very much. We really have a problem with DeGaulle. The French People in The Afterlife are enraged that you won't answer him, yes or no. He needs an answer! Their hostility towards Rome is growing daily. And it's going to manifest itself in the material world soon. We don't want such hostility now! We want unity. God wants you to answer DeGaulle, give him your honest opinion of what he should do. That's your job as Pope. We'd really appreciate you doing it. Help us keep the friction down. Oh, mentioined this to The King of Saudi Arabia. Need to bring it up to you, too. Linda's worried the young ladies will not accept her as their mother. We need to get them here and have them assure her they will show her complete devotion. She needs feminine support. So God would appreciate it if you'd get your young woman over here, no matter who doesn't like it! Look how easily We can humiliate the politicians, how easily We can mess them up, The Prime Minister Of England calling Omaha Beach Obama Beach and making himself look a total imbecile! Love it! Just love it!

A Servant Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever


It's Not A Silly Project!

People wonder how We can speak of such ridiculous projects as cleaning the ocean. Well, We don't consider it ridiculous! It's something that needs to be done! There's all kinds of things floating around out there in the ocean and on the bottom of the ocean that shouldn't be there, that are dangerous to the entire world! There's still munitions from World War 1, let alone World War 2! There's stuff that has been deliberately sunk that needs to be retrieved and disposed of some other way. Cleaning the ocean isn't a joke project, it's a very serious issue. There's some unscrupulous people that think the bottom of the ocean is the perfect place to get rid of toxic waste. It isn't. Sooner or later it will come back to haunt us, and probably kill alot of people. No, hiring an industrious group of people to go out there in especially designed ships, sweep this garbage up, and get it out of the water, is a serious and beneficial project that every maritime nation sould contribute to. The oceans are important to Us. Plastic is getting into the food chain. It's disturbing the life in the ocean. If it kills it, We've got serious problems! So this is something that We really should start working on. We could easily develop the technology. We wonder how many loads of junk such a fleet of ships could pick up if it started off the coast of England and swept The Gulf Stream every year? Though it is a very unpopular idea, one of the best things to do would be to get rid of alot of these plastic products, and replace them with glass and paper, reusable containers. Aluminum is good too, it can be recycled. But the plastic is the problem, it is a big problem!


Before anything else, preparation is the key to success. ( Alexander Graham Bell )

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