To The Media

Again We need support around the world. We would like to have the leaders of every major Arab country marching with me through San Francisco on The 4th to show the world that Islam stands with me and opposes homosexuality. I have already told The Pope I want him to attend. I would like the leader of The Greek Orthodox Church as well, and The Archbishop Of Canterbury, anybody else I could get! We have emailed the American governors. Tell people I want them! Tell the people of the world I want your leaders! I want them to stand with me and say 'This has to end!" Have the people of every country crying out "Our leader! Go to God on July 4th! March with Him! Tell the world we are His, we will not destroy our children! Tell San Francisco enough! Keep your filth at home!" This should be the cry of every parent in every nation around the world of every religious belief. "Stand with God in San Francisco!"

God The Father

An Open Letter From God The Father
To Maria Shriver Schwarzenegger, First Lady Of California
10-06-00 AJ

My first request to you this morning is an important one. Yesterday I mailed a surface letter to The Commander Of The Joint Chiefs. I want to make sure it gets to him and no agency in the government that is against us intercepts it. Here is a link to it. If you could make a copy and fax it to him, or, your husband, to make sure he knows the surface copy is coming and will look for it I would appreciate it. ( See Page 21 )
I am trying to rally the military in this cause because while they are overseas fighting for the security of the world members of Obama's administration are plotting to destroy their children and to keep their spouses from stopping them by making everyone believe they are prejudice and evil. While the American military is fighting for peoples' rights their children are being systematically destroyed. I will be writing to The Veterans Of Foreign Wars today. I will give you the link to that letter tomorrow. I hope you are considering the proposal I made to you in private yesterday. This is very much needed.
Alura seems to be doing better. We're hoping these antibiotics won't be too much on her and this condition will be cleared up, but now is the time We really need support, really need back up and financial aide.
Oh! Speaking of financial aide, your good husband asked on Twitter yesterday for ideas on how to help with the financial crises in California. How about this? Get some of the best young rock groups in California to do free concerts, well, not free, have the audience pay for the tickets, but have all the proceeds go to pay for state services to help in the crisis so tax payers would not be over burdened. It might not solve all the problem, but it should help some, give these young people some good publicity, show that they care about their fellow citizens. We would love it if they would do some of Demetrius' new music however that's another issue! It's an idea We wanted to give you.
Speaking of fund raising, I am very pleased that the Pacific state of Palau has agreed to take the Chinese Muslims from Guantanamo and give them a chance to rebuild their lives. I hope they will take it and cause no more trouble. We wish so the Awakening had gone as it should and Demetrius had territories where he could offer to take these people. Of course some of them would not be residing with his people long. They would send the ones that need to be to the justice they deserve. But those that would behave themselves and not bother others again would be given a chance to prove they are truly men and not animals taught by the Taliban. There is so much that needs to be done! It is going to be such a struggle to restore things to where they were supposed to be, and it will never be accomplished without the full cooperation of everyone. If it is not, the human race will be lost.
Demetrius would like to raise some funds to send the people of Palau a reward. Somebody suggested a case of granola bars for each family. Demetrius does not know if such a gift would be appreciated. He would like to find out what would be. But still, We would like to show Our apreciation. Perhaps if We can get things rolliing We can show these people what a beneficial president Demetrius would be to them. We're sure the Obama administration has offered them something, but We'd just like to give them something too.
Speaking of The Awakening, We find that We are not the only ones having trouble with people taking their duties. Tenzin Osel Rinpoche has announced that he will not take his lamaship. Instead he has taken his Spanish name again and forsaken the group he was supposed to lead, saying he wants to become a film maker. Tenzin has always been a bit of a problem. Well, perhaps he can make films for Demetrius' people. They got along quite well in the past. Perhaps they will in this lifetime. Demetrius was never a lama, but on two occasions he was a High Tibetan Warrior in direct service of the lamas. In a past life he was good friends with the current one and they spent much time together, especially as children where they tended to get into a great deal of mischief, much to the chargrin of the elders teaching the lama. They always thought Demetrius a bad influence. But throughout his life the lama treasured the friendship. It should be remembered that everybody in Tibet weren't lamas. People carried on other vocations as well, which were just as important to the service of their people. That the Buddhists are having such troubles too shows that this problem is not isolated to one people. Like I say, in the future Tenzin may hear of Demetrius and say "Ah! I know him! He wouldn't mind me being a film maker at all, he'd probably appreciate it. I think I'll go see how he's doing!" and all havoc will probably break loose if these two get together. We do hope the

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