As always we offer something to pay back these loans. I have two books on line, well, several really, but two that God is pushing. The story of my life as a young Angel and the story of my adventures with Jesus Of Nazareth Called The Christ. As collateral for these loans The Emperor would like the government of Japan to take the Japanese and the Korean rights to these stories, publish them, and sell them, taking 50% of the profits to be used immediately to assist the people of Japan, and using the other 50% to pay the loans. The Emperor believes we should sell more than enough copies to pay back the loans. Once the loans are paid we would get 10% of the profits. As part of the agreement with North Korea I would be allowed to use those profits to purchase food and other gifts for The North Korean People to be distributed to them in my name, as part of the payment for the services of their protector. The Emperor would like the Japanese government to bring forth the protector and have her announce her service, and to loan her a female ambassador, to go to North Korea and negotiate this proposal with its leader, in her name with my full authority.
I apologize for this letter being a little rough. We are extremely overworked. We have no staff at the moment, we are running into crisis after crisis like the murder of the abortion doctor, and homosexuals taking over state after state. That is why we are unpopular with the American government. We oppose homosexual marriage and homosexuality in general, and we support a woman's right to an abortion, two very unpopular things in The United States.
God has asked me to run for The Presidency in 2,012. My work on these efforts is an ongoing part of my campaign to show the world what a true believer can do. If we could make the leader of North Korea see reason and offer his people hope, there is a chance we could accomplish our goals. Oh! I believe the leader in North Korea has announced his successor. Hirohito would like to have him escort the courier/protectors to The United States and assist them until we can get organized. I would like to hear from you on this proposal. It is important to your loved ones in The Afterlife. If you would like to send someone to discuss it please send them in male and female pairs. It is part of our tradition. We do not negotiate with just one part of a people. We negotiate with them all.
Again, my apologies for the roughness of this letter. My wife is having medical problems that are slowly being resolved, but it is eating up our resources. I will be sending you a hard copy of this letter as well as an email. But if you wish to send someone before that hard copy arrives, the matter is urgent, diffusing this situation desperate. Hirohito feels this man can be negotiated with if we offer him greatness. I have the depest respect for The Emperor, but if he succeeds in this he will be a miracle worker on par with Jesus! But my duty as a servant of The Lords is to put forth any proposal that They make to the living. That's my job, my main duty. It is a legitimate proposal. If this individual cooperates with us we will give his people a home in the stars and he will lead them forever. It's a considerable offer, far more than he would get with his present course of action. But only your courier/protector can give it to him, only she will have the authority. She has a chance to start her career with a bang, to make history first thing, and quite a bit of history! You really ought to see if she'd serve.

He Who Serves Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now And, Forever

___________________S.L. Gerald A. Polley_________________________

Oh! The Emperor wanted me to mention, a while back John Lennon asked me to write an anime type story. God also wanted a part in it for our favorite actress in The United States, so I wrote a story called "Mother Tokyo" about a young woman that gets involved with a magical being and has all kinds of adventures. It's not up anywhere. It's never been offered to anybody. The Emperor thinks the Japanese People will love it! We also offer this book, this story exclusively for The Japanese People.


How Can We Support Him?

God The Father here! I am asked how can I make such an offer to a tyrant, a dictator, someone who is threatening the world? How can I offer to make him a demigod, to give him rule of part of a world forever? Well, it's a simple matter. No matter how much the rest of the world dislikes it, the majority of the people in North Korea serve this man of their free will. Those that oppose him are a minority. If they want to live in a communist state, it's nobody else's business. And their leader has every right to be frightened by the rest of the world, that's made it very apparent that they would like nothing better than to get rid of him. As long as the person is ruling by free will and doing no real harm, We have no right to interfere. Now, when they start butchering vast numbers of their people to keep in power, that's another thing! But right now the leader of North Korea may have committed some small grievances but he'll most likely survive the second death. Isn't it better to offer him and his people a bright future, a prosperous future if they will cooperate with Us, and stop being hostile with the rest of the world? Wouldn't it be better to say "Look! If you want to be communist, all right. If you want this guy to lead you, all right. As long as you don't threaten your neighbors, as long as you don't want to take over the whole world we'll get along just fine. Not only that, We'll give you the stars, a home on a new world. If we all work together we can achieve it. So let's stop being everybody's enemy and start being everybody's friend." Now, isn't that a better idea than bombs and shells, and a lot of innocent people getting killed?

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