An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald A. Polley
To The Media Of The World
15-07-00 AJ

Linda was overjoyed yesterday that she got to talk to Kevin & Bean, KROQ in Los Angeles on her birthday and they played it on their evening broadcast. She got to mention Michael Jackson's desires that we raise a fund and support his children. He fears that when all is over and done his estate will be virtually penniless and he wants to make sure they are taken care of and taught by people that really know how to live, and not by those merely seeking financial benefit. Michael was happy with the effort.
But he is not happy with the fact that people are attacking his wife. False rumors are being spread that she is seeking millions of dollars from his family not to seek custody of the children. Michael knows who is spreading these rumors and why, and he advises them very strongly to stop. His goal is to have Debbie get full custody of the children and if he can arrange it have her and them live with us if we can raise the funds, having the trusts to give them the income that he desires. We wish so much that we could sell some of our manuscripts or our music, or some of our art and raise the funds desired that we could at least make the offer. People are saying we would be crazy to give that much money to somebody else's kids and take them in, but what's the sense of having money if you can't do something enjoyable with it? And seeing Michael's wishes fulfilled for his children would bring us nothing but joy! That's the kind of thing we want money for! And, of course, to save God's children!
But Michael is fighting God's battles, giving Us tremendous service. To take care of his children and help him pay his debts would be more than justified. God takes care of His own whenever possible. Those who serve Him are well rewarded, both in The Afterlife and in the material world, if God has His way.
People have noticed that Michael is not offering a trust fund to his youngest son, and are asking why. Michael will give no direct answer. But he does say he will offer one if some conditions are met. Those conditions are a little embarrassing but he insists upon them. Firstly, his grandmother would have to petition the courts to have the boy's name changed to Gerald Albert Jackson. Then the boy's mother would have to contact me and make it absolutely clear to me that she does not want visitation rights, or to be part of the family. If these conditions are met a trust fund giving the boy an allowance of $500 a month would be arranged if we could raise the resources if he lives with us until he becomes of age following the rules of our house.
There is another thing that Michael would like from his mother. When God finally gets to come to Los Angeles he would like her to take His power and glory and to serve as a courier/protector for a week. There are two things that he would like her especially to take part in, when I sing to his wife on "Jimmy Kimmel, Live!" and when we make a personal appearance on Kevin & Bean at KROQ. This is where he wants her to empower us most. He rather thinks that in reality she would enjoy being our companion for a week and seeing God's work first hand and being a vital part of it. But He would not ask her to do it now where things would be a little uncomfortable and a bit dangerous. We need a younger woman for that. But Michael would like her to take God's power for these other occassions. We would be delighted.
We must cover a couple of other matters. God again instructs us to tell the world that the Episcopal bishops voting to accept gays and lesbians into the church and to prepare blessings for gay marriages are creatures of Darkness who are doomed forever. They and all who follow them are removed from The Book Of Life and cast out of God's Kingdoms. There is no place for them anywhere in The Afterlife! No one will accept them. God no longer recognizes The Episcopal Church, He only recognizes those bishops that oppose homosexuality and considers them a separate religious entity, giving only them His power and glory. He instructs all members of the Episcopal Churches to leave those congregations that accept homosexuality and join those who oppose it. All bishops that support homosexuality should be put out of the church because they are abominations, priests of Baal, priests of lust, not of Him. These are God's commandments. He would like to go to California and personally empower those bishops fighting the homosexuals. We still desire to fulfill His wishes.
God is outraged that the Rev. Aaron Cote of Rockville, Maryland, who has been convicted of raping an altar boy seven years ago is only getting probation and no prison time. This is outrageous and God guarantees to this man's victim that he will pay the full price for his crime. This foul and dispicable creature will be destroyed forever, and God will tell the world that. The Catholic Church obviously still has power in this state and does not want justice done to this molester of children. But God guarantees justice will be done forever, not only to him but to every individual that protected him and saw to it that he was not properly punished. Their evil will be judged. Plea deals like this will not be accepted. It again shows the evil of The Catholic Church and their refusal to protect the innocent. God will punish it! This is why He has turned against The Pope, because The Pope arranges such things as this, and will not punish the evil in his church.
Here's the link to the song that Michael Jackson is rereleasing in the hopes that it will generate power for him in Johannesburg, South Africa. He asked God to declare him one of His sons so that we would not have to alter the wording of the song. God looked at Michael rather perplexed and said "You are one of my sons! Everyone knows that. Why should I have to declare it?" Michael was overjoyed and departed.

Here's the link to where Linda has put up the pictures of her little birthday present, kind of a tradition.

A Servant Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

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