We want this song sung in every language spoken around the world! We want everyone to raise their voices and empower Us! We've been using that power with devastating force. As Michael is fighting as an Islamic warrior he is going after The Taliban big time! Now we hear reports that my words are proving true and they're fighting over the leadership, killing each other! Excellent! The more of their leaders We destroy the happier We are! I really think my servant, Speaker Gerald A. Polley ought to get the reward for taking care of the Taliban leader. After all, it was his Forces that made sure the missiles made a good hit. The coalition forces would've never got this guy without Our help. The creatures of Darkness were just too good about protecting him. But the more people that sing this song throughout the world the more power We get, and the more We will be able to fight the creatures of Darkness. We do love making a lasting impression on them! We even like it better when We get their servants. Oh, do We like it better! Of course their servants don't like it! They don't like it at all!


He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever


By: Gerald A. Polley


To soar the skies with one of his own kind was something that The Ancient One was not used to. His young companion laughed and giggled as they soared and rolled and dove to the ground. When they landed they took on their human forms. "You sure you don't want me to appear younger?" The Ancient One asked.
"No," his companion answered. "That's silly! I want to be as we are. If people see us together they'll think you're a loving grandfather out with his granddaughter." The Ancient One laughed. "What are we doing?" she asked.
"In a few moments," The Ancient One explained, "a man's going to come out of the restaurant with a very attractive young woman. He's going to put a motel room receipt and the bill from the restaurant in the trash. When he does go get them."
"Oh, somebody's going to be nasty!" the girl giggled. A few minutes later she returned. "Oooh!" she said, "I hope I get to look like her!"
"You'll be far more beautiful," The Ancient One answered, "and you won't have to paint yourself and starve yourself to look that way. That young woman will be dead within six months."
The girl looked sad. "Isn't there anything you can do?" she asked.
"Can't help them," The Ancient One answered, "'less they want to be helped. Come on! Got to deliver these. Remember what I've been teaching you?"
"Yes," the girl answered, "try to do things by expending the least amount of energy as possible. Only use physical force when absolutely necessary."


( Cont'd Back Cover )

Neanderthal To Homo Sapien


Whenever we get together with our good friend Elgard we start talking about the mysteries of the world, and one of the greatest of these mysteries is why scientists say humans appeared only 200,000 years ago when We know that they were created from the Neanderthals over 500,000 years ago. There is alot of discussion, many theories, but the most popular one is this. After the great holocaust that destroyed Our people on Earth the genes of those people that The Goddens created as Their servants, who were the forbears of the homo sapiens were simply overwhelmed by the vast numbers of the natives, and for many thousands of years lay dormant. Then somehow, probably through spiritual intervention, many of the people carrying them moved into parts of Africa, and the genes began to become dominant as more and more of these people mated, and homo sapiens began to reappear. The advanced traits that The Goddens had given Their workers began to come out, and also, their aggression. This slight edge gave the homo sapiens dominance and they slowly absorbed the neanderthals. They were perfectly capable of inter breeding. The only thing was whenever a human got into a population of neanderthals within a few generations there weren't any neanderthals! Modern scientists may disagree with this theory, but it is the most prevalent one among Those in The Afterlife, and They have a lot more material to study.




If any one faculty of our nature may be called more wonderful than the rest, I do think it is memory. There seems something more speakingly incomprehensible in the powers, the failures, the inequalities of memory, than in any other of our intelligences. The memory is sometimes so retentive, so serviceable, so obedient; at others, so bewildered and so weak; and at others again, so tyrannic, so beyond control! We are, to be sure, a miracle every way; but our powers of recollecting and of forgetting do seem peculiarly past finding out.
( Jane Austen )


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