An Open Letter From God The Father
To The Media Of The World
15-08-00 AJ


With my illustration for the new Imperial symbol yesterday I have been asked "What does it signify?" It is the trumpeter calling the people to unite, calling them to battle, to stand for righteousness. I thought this would be clearly understood. But sometimes symbology has to be explained.
I have been asked why do I want to villainize Yoko Ono? Far from it! I do not wish to villainize her, I wish to glorify her! I wish her to accept her husband's Apostleship, assist my servants in telling the world of it, and help restore my glory. I would like to give her a mission, perhaps one of the most important missions for a woman of this age. I would like her to ask Jimmy Kimmel to be on his show, when she goes on it tell the world that she accepts her husband's Apostleship and believes all that my servants are saying is true, and that she is joining them in North Dakota to fulfill a mission for me. Then I would like her to come to North Dakota and be a temporary courier/protector for a week. During that week We would prepare the documentation for my proposal to Nelson Mandela, that he become the Ruler of my Kingdoms. At the end of the week I would have her take those documents, go to California and ask Michael Jackson's oldest son if he would be so kind as to be her male companion and escort her to South Africa, joining his father's power with her husband's. Then I would like both of them to proceed to South Africa, meet with Mr. Mandela, present my proposal to him, and ask him to accept, to sign the documents beginning a tentative agreement and to request of the American state department that they assist my servants Demetrius and Alura, so they could come to him and officially bestow my power upon him, making him the Steward of The Kingdoms Of God. Whoever takes this mission will be one of the most glorified among my daughters, one of my greatest. By no means do I want to villainize Yoko! I wish to glorify her among my children, give her power and glory so she may join her husband and be able to tell him "I got it done! I did it for you. I think you should have The Throne. But if God wants Mr. Mandela God will have him if I could arrange it." And John will be able to say to her, "Well done, wife!" This would give me the greatest joy. This would give me my greatest happiness. It would mean that she is giving Us a chance to save Our children, that We are making headway against the creatures of Darkness. It is a simple mission, but one of the most important of this age. For if she can secure Nelson Mandela's service, have him accept my proposal, it will very well mean the survival of mankind. Who would not want to be known for accomplishing that? No, I don't want a villain, I want a hero!
I am absolutely sickened that the homosexuals are showing their filth by having a "kiss in" in cities across The United States. No wonder Demetrius had the dream about ripping the guy's lips off with his teeth again! I wish my people would rise in protest against this demonstration of filth before children. The homosexuals' efforts to make their displays of lust publicaly acceptable are disgusting! I will never condone them, I will never accept them. All that take part in them are banished from my Kingdoms, all that support them are my enemies, no matter how much they cry freedom of expression, freedom of speech, they are teaching children to accept insanity and for that they will find eternal death no matter how justified they think they are. Those who destroy my little ones, who lead them into abomination have no place with me, and they never will.
I don't know why there's no similarities in the two songs, whatsoever, but Michael Jackson asked me to have people compare the song John Lennon wrote from The Afterlife, "Care," with his song "The Man In The Mirror," which is very popular in The Afterlife and has always been. Here's the link to "Care".

People do not understand that Michael was one of my messengers and was doing my will while he was alive, and doing it even more now! The list of his victories grows daily. He is trying so hard to unite The Islamic People to Our cause and have them openly join Us. He led my Forces in a battle last night against the creatures of Darkness at Mecca, totally overwhelming them. Reinforcements didn't even need to be called! His tenacity in battle is beyond anything that has been seen! These creatures of Darkness were trying to get The Islamic People to accept homosexuality, to petition their governments to allow their sons to engage in public perversion, to allow them to marry. They did not succeed! With each passing hour The Islamic People are turning more and more to the truth and rejecting more and more those that hate. Soon they will bring an end to those who are bombing and killing the innocent trying to force their doctrines on them. It is only a matter of time. Then Islam will be the unquestioned spiritual Force on Earth, as Christianity struggles to survive. I still wish so that if Yoko was to fulfill my wishes there was already an Islamic protector with Speaker Gerald A. Polley to assist her in performing her mission, to help her understand the power that she is becoming a part of. I mean no offense, but the warrior should go first before the leader and prepare the way for the leader so that the leader's passage will be safe and unobstructed. The warrior who serves the leader is as great as the leader. For without the warrior the leader cannot function. So the warrior should be first.
Demetrius is in need of a cell phone. He came across an ad for the JitterbugJ which looks very interesting. Wonder if they would make some kind of deal for 24 of the phones if they got to advertise "The courier/protectors use Jitterbug phones. They consider them the best!" A lot of manufacturers should be thinking about that thinking "I'd llike the world to know that these young women struggling to save it are using my products. There could be no better advertising!"


He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

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