An Open Letter From God The Father
To The Media Of The World
25-08-00 AJ




People are amazed that I speak of reincarnation. I don't know why. Even my Son, Jesus, mentioned it when He said that "before Abraham was, I was." I can't waste material, I can't waste people. They can't sit around in Heaven for untold ages complaining about how bad things are getting. They have to go and fix them. I use the same workers many times. I am asked who the good Rev. Richard Mahan is. That is a private matter. Sometime if we are together and he asks me I might reveal the information to him. But all that matters is who he is now, and what he is doing now. I need him to lead his people out of the Darkness, to stop the abomination that is occurring. He was once a follower. Now he is a leader, and five good friends follow him. They are in a position to do havoc to my enemies, to break their power, and I hope they will rally to him as they have done in the past. Got our first rejection from Rev. Dr. Donald P. Ewards, St. Andrew Evangelical Lutheran Church, Muncy, PA. Sent him the standard reply. He and everyone associated with him, because they follow him, have been removed from The Book Of Life and banished from my Kingdoms forever. If salvation is reestablished they will not be able to take part in it because they take part in evil and reject me. There is no compromise, no middle ground. If you say "No, I will not hear you, I reject you!" we are done, that is it, no discussion, no pleading, no mercy. Once you say "I will not hear You," we are done. I cannot waste time on those who are ignorant and no longer believe in me. It is that simple. If others can reach the members of this congregation and let them know their leader has sent them all to hell perhaps they will change leaders and put in one that would continue to converse with me and I could welcome them back to my fellowship. But as long as they follow this creature of Darkness, I will not. Here is what he wrote.




----- Original Message ----- From: Rev. Dr. Don Edwards
To: Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 1:37 PM



Stop sending me your emails......


RevDrDonEdwards@Gmail.Com 570-971-3041


Sola es Fides - Sola es Gratia - Sola es Scriptura




A simple message, but a damning message.
I have to laugh when people say "Lord, you can't do this! You just can't tell people you're puttin' someone else in charge of their church. You've never done this before!" Never done this before? Well, let me mention three people, David, Martin Luthor, and Martin Luthor King. Now there are still people complaining that I should not have given Martin Luthor power, and those that believe in racial purity hate the power I gave Martin Luthor King. I will put the people in positions of leadership that I wanna put there! And I will give them the power to accomplish what I want to accomplish.
And speaking of The Catholics, Monsignor Thomas Bevan, the pastor of the Church of St. Patrick, Cumberland, MD, was molesting children back in 1973-74, and thought he was so powerful he would never be questioned. But finally We have encouraged one of those that he abused to come forth. Hopefully his example will bring forth others. People cry "Oh, the man is 73! It happened so long ago. What harm was done? Let it pass!" I will never let the abuse of my children pass, no matter how popular that abuse has become! This is why We must fight those that will permit it in The Lutheran Church. Those doing it there must not be hidden.
Here is another reason I need The Lutherans, ADHD drug misuse. Calls to the pioson control center about children overdosing on this popular drug have gone up 73%, almost paralell with the increased use of the drug. This is a prime example against those that want to legalize marijuana. We cannot control what is already leagal. It is being over perscribed and improperly used, and is destroying Our children. I need The Lutherans in many states to rise against this trend, and keep yet another poison away from Our children. There are so many things I need true believers to do, so many problems this world has that are being ignored because the perverts only want their pleasure, and drugged out children would easily be their victims. People must see common sense!
We see North Korea is definitely taking advantage of the fact that We are seeking a courier/protector from them. It is forcing the American government that doesn't want them to cooperate to negotiate with them. And The North Koreans are playing them expertly. They would still be far better off however, accepting my bargain. But it shows how terrified the powers that be are of me. They don't want me in control of the situation. However, I probably will be, in time.
Again I will appeal to The Lutherans to ask the good Rev. Richard Mahan, pastor at St. Timothy Lutheran Church in Charleston, W.Va, to answer my correspondence, and begin to work with the steward I have put over his church, Speaker Gerald A. Polley, and to lead his church out of the Darkness that the creatures of Darkness have put it in, and to help keep all of mankind from being destroyed. We have an opportunity to make a stand, to break their power and to begin to bring their filth to an end. It is obvious they are terrified of Us because they are already trying to make the feeble minded within The Lutheran Church drive the general people away from Us so they will not listen and allow the corruption to continue. The leaders must not listen to those filled with their own ignorance but must listen to me, and I will glorify them as great as any men have ever been glorified if they help me return the equality of my daughters and end their bondage by men who think too much of themselves.


He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever



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