To The Islamic Embassies




Below is a copy of the letter the spiritual leader of North Korea has sent to his grandson. As you can obviously tell I am supporting the rebellion among The Havens. I believe They have a right to some remnant of Their Kingdom. As you know some time ago, I asked Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq to provide Them with some territory. I make that request again, as I would like this to happen before The North Koreans take action. As I have said, when others arrive I wish to have an Islamic protector there to assure them that all is well, and that they are with a servant of God. I still wish to glorify The Islamic People above others. I do wish so that you would take action and support Us in Our efforts. I see no reason why an individual that truly believes in me and believes that he is the reincarnation of an individual who once roamed the stars can't be president of The United States. Many people believe in the principle of reincarnation, that many serve me, over and over again. Your support of Our efforts will glorify Islam forever and give you a glorious future. I do not wish you to lose it because some men are afraid of the truth, afraid it will somehow threaten their power. Stand with me! Be glorified! Help Us raise the money to buy a Palestinian homeland. End the hatred. Begin a glorious future.

God The Father



An Open Letter From The Founder Of North Korea
To His Grandson Kim Jong Un
28-08-00 AJ




Never in my wildest dreams did I ever consider that I would be writing to my grandson to inform him that he is an heir to a Kingdom in the stars! But with the strange unfolding of things, that is what I find myself doing, on behalf of my dear friend Michael Jackson, who has joined me in my efforts to save mankind, and especially my own people. He has informed me that he is an extra terrestrial called a Haven, a member of what was once called The Holy Godden Empire, that long ago his people split, a third of them joining the group called The Spiritist Republic. After a long and bitter battle the two groups destroyed each other. The Imperials quickly realized in The Afterlife that they had been deceived, and the god that they had been worshipping was false. They turned on that god, what was left of his followers, and joined those resisting him. For many ages they have served mankind. Now The Awakening is coming, when Their people will return to the stars. That effort is being led by Speaker Gerald A. Polley, of Bismarck, North Dakota through whom I transmit my messages. He is now a servant of the God of this world and is doing al in his power to save its children. However, he is also the last surviving heir on Earth to the Haven throne.
You are the reincarnation of his son from ages past. And if he takes the Haven throne you would be The Son Holy, his heir. The Imperials wish him to take the throne, but he will not. It is all very complicated! But circumstances have made it so you are the rebels' greatest opportunity, The Imperials' greatest hope. There is, in North Korea, a young woman that Speaker Polley desperately needs to save mankind, to serve as a courier/protector for The Shinto People and take them to the stars. Without this young woman there is very little hope that they can succeed. If they cannot obtain her services, mankind will probably perish!
So this is what I would like you to do. I would like you to find the protector, then ask for the instructions that are necessary to bring her to Speaker Polley, to take your father's wife and go to Speaker Polley and begin the process, but ONLY if he will accept the Haven throne and designate you The Son Holy, his heir, so that when his people go to the stars you will rule over the part of his Kingdom that will be given to The Imperials. If he will do this I desire The People Of North Korea to do all in their power to fulfill all of his goals on Earth. He needs people to manufacture goods to sell and raise money so he can buy a homeland for The Palestinians and bring peace to The Middle East. And there are other projects that will benefit and glorify The Korean People. I wish them to be a part of these great happenings, but I wish, also to fulfill the desires of Michael, and those who stand with him. And you are in a position that no one else has.
I believe these people have a right to their heritage. They have served mankind long and well. And they are only asking for a very small part of the reward, that their brothers and sisters in The Republic will begin it. I think it only right that they have it. You are in a position to see that they get it and I do not think it will show any disloyalty for you to insist on having what is your birthright through Our bloodlines.
There is one other small thing. The Imperials are trying to establish some small territories on Earth through which their power would flow. I ask your father to sell to Speaker Gerald Polley one square mile of land in the middle of the demiliterized zone between the north and the south, and bargain with the south to sell him one square mile on the opposite side of the border, making a territory one mile wide and two miles long, and have this territory designated The Holy Godden Empire Of Korea. You would administrate this territory until the courier/protector finishes her service and then she would take charge of it as part of her territory on Earth. If a representative of the North Korean government could bring a deed to this land and receive one dollar, US, in exchange, I would be very appreciative. It would mean that a bond has been made between us and the work of saving mankind has begun.
I wish the good efforts that God The Father has created because of these circumstances, to continue. I want The North Korean People to be glorified and for the world to say "Without them we would've perished, we would've plunged headlong, into eternal night. But they gave us the power to fight back. They gave us a goddess!"


He Who Serves And Protects The People Of North Korea
Now, And, Forever



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