By; Linda G. Meadows

Reincarnation is a simple process to understand if we will but realize that we are creatures of evolution. Cognizant or not, we are destined to development. Born with animalistic traits, we have to face that certain weaknesses and corruptive behaviors may be holding us back.
Granted, some of us are not aware that we have trials to bear, or that innate conditions must be dealt with. Still others are conscious but don't care. Some know, and will work diligently to make amends.
We are part of a Universal life force that we must harmonize with. But to do this, we need to seek balance within. Sometimes this may take many lifetimes to achieve. Do you realize that you or I could have lived a hundred past lives or better? Compare that to your present state of evolution. Does it seem you have learned slowly, quickly, how? If I have lived a hundred past lives I'd have to say that I have barely crawled along!
While mulling over who does what to us, let us reason. Why are they doing this to us? Is it an inlaid fear or weakness within us that's causing or drawing this negativity to us? Past life regression is a true value here. By making the effort of going back, we may very well see those hidden hang-ups!
More as to conflicts among us. We must never allow anyone to desecrate us. Yet, we must be certain, also, that we don't ever do this to ourselves, nor to another.
I view life from three perspectives; Past, present, and future. Each phase is equally important to a complete cycle of development. Accepting reincarnation and evolution is growth. In growth we find purpose.


"Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and brights stars, thru the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof thru the night that our flag was still there." -By: Francis Scott Key






Oh, Blessed Mothers, those that bear in your sweet bodies the vessels that give us life. Forever let us praise you, dear ones, forever let us give you thanks for that that you have given us. Not only one day a year shall we sing of The Joy Of You, but let us sing with gladness every day for the Joy of the Life that you have given us. So must it be.





Oh, Blessed Fathers, this day is set aside for you, that we may give you praise and express our love for all those things you have done for us. Many days did you labor in the burning sun and the freezing cold that we might have bread. Many times you took up weapons and went to battle to keep us free. You taught us to do right and be good unto all that is. Let us honor you each and every day. Oh, Seed Of My Life, blessed is Your Name.


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