This is an interview with the Spirit of President John F. Kennedy. His answers are channeled through Speaker Gerald A. Polley.

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1. President Kennedy, do you feel we could have won the war in Vietnam, and how would you have conducted it differently?

A. First of all, I would have made an all-out effort going to congress and getting a declaration of war against North Vietnam. For until that source of supply to the rebels in the south was cut off, there could be no hope of victory against the forces in South Vietnam. We had learned from World War Two that bombing alone, would not subdue a determined enemy. An all-out invasion would be necessary.
Even in my administration such an invasion was being planned. It was called "Broadsword," and composed of three elements called "Guinevere," "Lancelot," and "Ivanhoe." "Guinevere" would land troops north of the DMZ who would thrust inland, cutting the North Vietnamese supply lines to the south, and trapping their troops already there.

The next phase, "Lancelot," would land near North Vietnam's northern border, cutting off the supplies coming in by road and rail.
Finally, with troops pushing up from the south and down from the north, the final assault "Ivanhoe," would land on the coast, below Hanoi, and drive for the capitol. The projected plan was that the whole operation would have taken less than two years, and cost one-forth of the lives that we lost in the prolonged, useless struggle in the south. And on the useless bombing raids against The North.

2. President Kennedy, what do you think of the Iranian Arms Scandal?

A. I, myself, think this was the wrong course to take. The worst thing you can do with terrorists is to pay them ransom in any form. It only encourages them to kidnap again.

3. Who was your favorite character in "Camelot"?

A. I think King Arthur. He was a pour soul trying to do his best, and what was right, but he was just in a no-win situation. Fate was not going to let him come out on top, no matter what he did! But he wouldn't accept defeat, and kept trying against impossible odds.

4. Now you've gotten to The Spirit World, is there really a curse on your family?

A. Now, I don't really know how to take that question. but I think I would answer it no. All the members of my family knew the risks in the course of action they chose to follow, and each accepted the results of that action. So I don't think there's a curse.

5. President Kennedy, do you think the present economic crises the government is going through can be solved? Can the Federal budget be balanced?

A. There is no question the budget can be balanced. Fifty per cent of government costs could be cut with the elimination of waste and fraud. There is no need for increase in taxes, or, the curtailing of welfare programs to the needy. But it will take a concerted effort by the public and the government which America is not ready to make. The attitude of 'just leave things the way they are and it will straighten itself out in the end, ' is still far too strong.
Perhaps in a few more years the people will just get fed up with the way things have been, and force the government to change. It will happen in time.

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