
out in The Spirit World, they very often claim they are going on to another plane of existence.  Also, Spirit knows what is in a person's heart.  If they will not accept reincarnation, rather than argue with them, their guides simply go along with their own beliefs, knowing full well that in the course of time they will know the truth.  As some guides put it, "Why rock the boat?"

3.  If The Spirit World is so great why should we want to come back?

A.  The majority have no choice.  Because they did not lead good lives in their previous existences, they must continue to live until they turn from evil.  Those that deliberately choose to come back are higher advanced souls that have some particular purpose or mission among mankind.

4.  If there is reincarnation, can people come back as animals?

A.  In most circumstances, no, but there are two exceptions.  If a person lives a really evil life and does a great deal of damage to their soul, they could digress themselves to a higher animal, say, an ape, a chimpanzee, etc..  Or, if an ancient soul decides to break itself up, its individual fragments could be reborn as animals of the lower order, each fragment eventually maturing into an individual soul.

5.  If there is reincarnation, can people change their sex with different lifetimes?

A.  In most cases, no.  As the male body is different from the female body, so the male soul is different from the female soul.  There are rare occurrences when a male soul forces itself into a female body, or vice versa.  But this is not the natural order of things.  And these souls regret their actions afterwards.  They usually live a miserable, unstable life until they are released from that body and are reborn in their proper sex.

6.  Why isn't reincarnation mentioned in the Bible?

A.  Because God has no control over reincarnation.  It is a subject His followers avoid and pretend does not exist.

7. Can Spirits whose body is miscarried or stillborn be born later to the same parents?

A.  Yes.  This is quite common.  Even a child that dies young is oftentimes born later to the same parents.

8.  If a spirit (soul) cannot enter the unborn child, how does it give it energy?

A.  There is a connection between the spirit and the unborn child; the silver cord.  This cord is thin enough to slip through the mother's aura without disturbing it, and through this means the spirit provides the necessary energy the developing child needs until the moment of birth.

9.  If the spirit does not enter the body before birth, why have some people under hypnosis, reported to have remembered what it was like in the womb and recall the pains of the birth experience?

A.  These memories are recorded in the new developing mind.  When it is finally linked with its subconscious mind, the subconscious mind is able to identify with these experiences.  Though they are recorded before birth, the subconscious mind allows them to be intercepted.

10.  If a spirit cannot usually change sexes between its existence's, why do so many people report they have done so?

A.  Most of these reports of sex changes are erroneous, made by persons faking reincarnation.  And sometimes, they are the result of dual personalities, a separate personality developing in a person's mind during their lifetime to protect them from some trauma they experienced.  It is also sometimes the result of a person picking up actual events that happened to another individual, and these events being recorded so strongly in their mind, that they begin to perceive them as their own memories.

11.  Are such things as 'walk-ins' spirits possible, that a person can leave their body and another take over and finish their lifetime for them?

A.  Definitely yes!  Though this is a rare occurrence it can and does happen.  This usually occurs when because of accident or illness the silver cord is broken, and the original spirit that occupied the body doesn't wish to return.

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