By; Lily O'Donnell

I walked carefully down a long dark hallway. There were doors on either side. Only at the end of the hall was there a light. It came from an open door. I walked inside. The room was lit, but otherwise bare. I was alone and yet I felt a presence there. I saw pillows on the floor as I looked around. "Sit down" came a command in stereophonic sound.
I sat and wondered just what I would say when I heard a gentle voice saying, "I am the Way." Now I knew what I must do. I must lose myself, become one, not two. I closed my eyes and gently swayed. the child within me prayed. Could I ask questions, would I dare? I yearned to surrender and just to be, and yet there were so many things that troubled me.
There is only one presence, God the Good. Man should know this, if only he would. What is wrong with man that he cannot see himself in this divine plan? But man is so short sighted. Sees no farther than his belly. He is a hank of hair, a bone, a rag. Religious, nonsense that's not his bag.
Ah, but in his extremity-his anxiety-his desperation, he will shout, "Oh, my God what can I do?" "God, don't do this to me," "Jesus Christ, what is life all about?" and then-the crisis over-see how quickly he picks up his concern of the price of peanut butter and jelly.
I thank you Father that I'm not like other men. Oh, yes, and here I am thinking about myself instead of what I came about. I came to do an interview with a very important man.
"Tell me, Sir, what is the status of your plan? Are you satisfied with your creation man? Are you thinking of ending it all? Or are you really living in man and having a ball? The world would really like to know. To them progress seems to slow."
"These are questions of depth and height. The answers are within you, you would have found, if you had but listened to the cosmic sound. Through man I create and build and mould, the Light, the Truth that can not be sold. I WALK IN MAN, AND LAUGH, AND LOVE. As it is below, so it is above."
I then came back to the world with Faith, and Hope and light. The very important man I interviewed-still had all the power and the might.


As you know, we support People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals , P.O. Box 42516, Washington, D.C. 20015, and some of our readers wondered if we are vegaterians. No. We are of the belief that animals don't really mind being part of the natural food chain, but they DO mind being treated in a heartless and cruel manner. A great deal of reform is needed in the way our food production industry operates. Where the torment of the animals involved is not taken into consideration, only the profit margin. In this aspect of the PETA work we support them in every way we can, as we feel all people with a conscience should.



Much that I sought, I could not find;
Much that I found, I could not bind;
Much that I bound, I could not free;
Much that I freed
Returned to me.
-Lee WIlson Dodd


The fog comes on little cat feet.


-Carl Sandburg


The cat, he walked by himself, and all places were alike to him.
-Rudyard Kipling.



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