By; Speaker Gerald Polley

In recent years we have had some cheap shots taken at us so we can understand how Michael Dukakis must feel right now when he reads the comic book being distributed by Jerry Falwell and his followers. I used to have some respect for Rev. Falwell because I understood the sincerity of his beliefs. But his actions, of late, are little more than quite ignorant publicity stunts, designed more to draw attention to himself, than to the issues he is fighting for. Though we disagree, I have always considered him a man of honor. Unfortunately it is getting harder and harder as the months go by for me to continue to hold this opinion.
Really, Rev. Falwell, try to remember who you represent, and what He taught. Do you think The Nazarene would take such cheap and disgusting shots? No. He would disagree, and voice His disagreement, but he would do so with all dignity, humility, and respect. Even when He attacked those who opposed him, he did not attacked him personally, but only their views, pointing out what He saw as their errors. You are supposed to be one following in His footsteps, but you are not even worthy to look upon His shadow.
You thought yourself worthy enough to be President of The United States, but could any man be supported for that exalted office who acts as you act? No. Fortunately your campaign for the Presidency was short lived.


By; Linda G. Meadows

Incenses are very potent aids to spiritual and mental well-being, not to mention the emotional side of us. But incenses can work for or against us, depending on how we use them.
We consider incense so casually, taking it for granted, not realizing that the fumes it puts off actually feeds the inhabitants from the astral plane giving them energy to operate. For this reason, one must not take incense burning lightly.
Don't use just any old incense you find in the grocery or drug mart! By burning these you may be attracting entities that won't make you happy, or stirring up vibrations in your house that you won't like! There are special incenses for particular purposes. buy them from your herb store or occult outlet. Even Church incense from a church supplier is far more preferred than random burning of any nature.
Your best bet is to use charcoal and burn the powdered incense on top of it. To prevent fire wash out a tuna can, turn it upside down on a saucer and place the charcoal on top of that. Frankincense is the most used incense going. It draws higher spiritual beings from the atmosphere. It's purpose is to send out any negative forces in your atmosphere. A random incense may draw negative forces!
To learn more about proper incenses and cleansing rituals that are easy to use and effective, have your book store order "Spiritual Cleansing--A Handbook of Psychic Protection:" by Draja Mickaharic. It's about $6 a copy and worth every penny of it! The secrets you learn from this book, and the help and guidance is valueless in terms of money!


Inserted in the moon is the following poem.

By; Linda G. Meadows

I went back to many past lives to see where I was wronged.
But in order to be healed
I had to go back to see where I wronged.

By; Mary Egeria Booth

You come to me and tell me you have been crying.
Well, my friend, I have been there a mil- lion times, too.
Deep inside your soul, something unknown is dying,
But your tears will purify you and you'll be born anew.
There's a precious tear streaking down your left cheek.
Sliding down to become as one with your lips.
Taste the bitter salt, taste the liquid pain.
Like living crystal blood, it enters you again.
Give me your tears to keep in my jewel chest;
For more precious than diamonds these are,
So, my friend, I see you've been crying.
Inside your soul, a little piece of love is dying.
But that's okay, don't be ashamed or afraid---
I've been there and back, many times, too.
All phoenixes must die, to be reborn anew.
Life and death are eternal circles of divine initiation
That we must, as "mortals", pass through

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